View Full Version : DAY 1 - Alcohol Free

12-07-13, 23:41
Hi all,

Had my dr appointment yesterday and after talking for a while we came up with a plan to help with HA...

1st part of the plan is dropping the booze for a time... so gave me some lorazepam 1mg and diazepam 4mg...

Day 1's nearly over and havnt been to bad today, havnt wanted a drink, HA been up and down but generally ok

13-07-13, 00:06
I know how you feel I have had a drink since Feburary I do break out in red spots which is the main reason I quit but the only thing I found after no drinking alcohol is more depressed

13-07-13, 01:12
Yeah depressed is a thing im not looking forward too, I di quit for 5mths last year after some bad things


13-07-13, 14:53
DAY 2 so far... Not going to badly, having some dark stools and still very soft but guessing there from the alcohol from the other day still, seems to be getting more solid tho. No red or black in them so all good I hope, HA still waiting to pounce, I can feel it.

---------- Post added at 14:53 ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 ----------

Oh and my eatings coming back to me now :yesyes: been starving myself for two weeks but now sit me next to a biscuit tin a whallop LOL, things are looking up at the moment but not kiddings myself just yet as I felt like this a few weeks back then it went downhill again so fingers crossed :blush:

13-07-13, 22:28
So that's day 2 ended, still no drinking, drinking more water and eating bigger dinners, even made it into the garden to do a bit and didn't get angry once :) three cheers LOL,

Ill keep you updated on day 3...

13-07-13, 23:03
Sounds good, Neil, keep up the good work. It will pay off in the long run.

13-07-13, 23:05
Thank you tessar, I feel more optimistic but as I said above, this happened a few weeks back so taking each day as it comes lol

Thank you for the encouragement :bighug1:

13-07-13, 23:09
That's a good attitude because trying to "get better" or avoid things that make us feel worse is a real up and down process. I suppose life is like that too, up and down. It's hard trying to remain positive when on a downer but it can be done. One way of looking at it is you've done it before and you can do it again, especially coming here for advice and encouragement. And understanding too which I find counts for such a lot.

13-07-13, 23:16
Yeah exactly, and very well described :), I found a informative list on another site I opened a thread on it, bet each and everyone of us can relate to at least 15 or 20 of the symptoms decribed.

I went back out in the garden for two hours earlier, lifting heavy bags of soil id dug previous and because my mind wasn't on my anxiety, my globus and abdominal pain went

14-07-13, 14:05
So day 3 is here, still no need for alcohol, drinking water but a HA attack did appear, stupid really...

Just about to get in a cool bath, had me toilet business and spot a few red bits in it yet none while wiping... told my wife about it and she said 'you think what youve cooked the last 3 days... Chicken Bhuna (2 cans chopped tomatoes), Italian Chicken (bolognese sauce inc, tomatoes) and last night Fragrant pork & rice one pot (again a can of chopped tomatoes'... Think she maybe on to something here but what do you guys think?

14-07-13, 20:05
Well other than the little HA attack I had earlier, today has been fine, watched the arsenal game (without a drink for once lol) didn't bother cooking as it was too hot but still eating better, spent 4hrs in the garden digging a flower bed for me kids, takes ages because the previous tenants left the gardens in a state... So, so far still so good. Still going to ask my dr on Thursday for a stoll sample test, urine test and full bloods with additionals.

17-07-13, 08:51
If anyone has been following this little diary of mine, im sorry to say I have failed.

Last time I posted was 2 days ago, I watched the arsenal game with one of my good friends tom, he went home and I did a bit of digging...

4am, I got a phone call, tom died. He was 58 and he was a bit of a drinker but I havnt stopped crying, today is Vietnam v arsenal and he was looking forward to watching this game (we used to always go to Tonbridge games, arsenal games, England games)

Anyway im sorry that I failed,

NEIL xxx

17-07-13, 09:29
Ohhh Neil, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. you must be devastated. Please dont feel that you have failed. This is a big deal you know and will have been a terrible shock. Why not look at it this way .... that you will endeavour to reduce what you drink and on as many days as possible you will not drink. This way, should you have a drink, you wont be castigating yourself. Really there is no point doing that as it wont help you through this. So, Neil, you hang in there and stay in touch on here. Of course this will make it more difficult not to drink but it does not make it impossible. You remember that.