View Full Version : going on holiday tuesday help

13-07-13, 01:21
Hi everyone, well Im going abroad on Tuesday for 2 weeks with my Hubby, son, parents and sister etc and Im absolutely dreading it, my anxiety is sky high about it :-( really don't know how Im going to cope, i feel sick to my stomach with fear, i just wish i wasn't going, everybody else is so excited and looking forward to it yet my anxiety and panic is just spiraling out of control about it :-( we all went last year for a week when my anxiety and panic was at its worst and it was a nightmare for me i kept having to flee to our hotel soon in a state of panic and even though Im miles better than last year Im just so scared, i have diazepam to take and use whilst Im out there but i get so frustrated with myself as it was only 3 years ago i was flying off to Egypt with my friend and our kids without a care in the world and since my breakdown nearly 2 years ago holidays just petrify me :-( i can't even bring myself to pack as the thought fills me with dread and then the panic starts, can anybody give me any comforting words as Im just filled with dread over it, i used to love going on holiday and this illness has robbed me of that :-( i really don't want to spoil it for the rest of my family but i feel sick to my stomach about going, this is going to be our last big family holiday together and i just want to enjoy it instead of being panic stricken the whole time x x

13-07-13, 05:50
Then make up your mind to enjoy it!
Get excited... Think positive thoughts..
It's all your negative thinking and fears that are causing the feeling..
Your going o have a big support goup of family going, so tell yourself it's going to be great and you WILL enjoy it, tell yourself you deserve a nice holiday...
Keep up those thoughts and you'll start to feel good!

13-07-13, 22:14
Oh Nic I know exactly how this feels, I've felt like this so many time before going abroad and thought I can't go, I'll have a breakdown when there, it'll be awful, etc. It's the anticipation, the being away from home and the preparation that add to the anxiety. I recently spoke to a friend who travels frequently and said how anxiety was ruining my holidays and she admitted that she feels the same, yet continues to travel and each time she goes she it better after being there for a day or two.

You can do it and you will do it Nic, it may not be easy but you'd feel worse for not going. What is the worst that can happen? If you were to panic you can take some Diazepam and return to your room, it's not the end of the world. I find there is so much distraction on holiday that it is easier to cope than if having a blip at home and think how much better you are than last year?

What you're feeling is an exaggerated anxiety that many people feel before trips abroad. Try to normalise it, take each part of the journey one step at a time focussing all your attention on packing, then getting to the airport and onwards - do not think too far head.

You will be OK Nic and will enjoy your holiday, you so deserve it.

Take care

14-07-13, 00:34

I agree with the thinking possitive! Especially where GAD is concerned, 90% of how we feel is due to how worked up we get abt things! it starts as one small worry, that we then over think, which makes ua worry more and so on...a horrible catch 22 that leaves us worse than when we started!

I'm gojng to Turkey in Oct with family and friends. I am petrified of heights, claustrophobic, control freak plus I have GAD...can you imagine how I am on aeroplanes!! I am absolutely ****ing it... Also im over weight, pale skinned, stretch marked and not exactly what I would deem beach material...then there is the worry abt not having my home comforts? what will I do if I get nervous?!

However, all this being said, I have to think possitive! which believe me I know is hard to do....I dont focus on the before mentioned horrible things. Im chosing to focus on all the good things, getting away from home and all the daily stress that comes with it. Im looking forward to no cooking and cleaning for two weeks. Going for a swim with the kids, cheeky cocktail by the pool, meeting new people and trying new things!

We (people who suffer anxiety) spend our life worrying about things that may kill us, but we never take time to actually live the life we have! oh the irony of it all eh! :-S

Make a list of all the good/possitive things abt going on holiday with your family and focus on them! But most of all, do your best when there to have a good time! Im sure you deserve some time to chill out :-)

14-07-13, 01:24
Thankyou everyone for replying, as you can see i can't sleep either! I felt awful today, sick to my stomach but i forced myself to go into town and get some new trainers for my son even tho i was shaking like a leaf but i did it, Im hoping when i actually get there i can relax a bit more x x

14-07-13, 12:38
You know what Nicola, I had a breakdown 2 years ago also, before this I was absolutly oblivious really, well maybe a normal person level of danger, worry & that was it! NOW omg going out the city would be horrific tbh.

I honestly don't know how you even did it last year never mind this year. After my breakdown I've tried everything, I'm much better as you are but going on a friggin plane - forget it!

Good luck

14-07-13, 13:08
Think of the family as your support group - maybe that might help. Remember your breathing exercises and remain as positive as you possibly can.

I think of holidays abroad like Christmas - everybody there will be friendly and they all want to have a good time :)

It's just a different (unknown) routine that's troubling you - If you allow it, then you could have a great time!

I hope it goes well - my hols are next month and I'm not spending all that money to spend all day cooped up in my apartment :) Spain better watch out!