View Full Version : 2 trip to ER in 3 days ....

13-07-13, 07:30
Well today I woke up from a nap feeling light headed and dizzy so I sat down. 5 minutes after my left side scalp went all tingly almost numbing but not quite, I became flush with cold sweats and laid back down my heart was racing and pounding through my chest and didnt matter how I laid back, side, stomach... Breathing techniques didnt matter plus my whole body was jittery .... Went to the ER almost fainted before I getting to the check in, required assistance with a wheel chair.... Immediately checked in and hooked up to the EKG.... My doctor was to be nice a real *******... Didnt care what I said it was all anxiety.... No blood taken, no urine no MRI for my tingling or numbness in my head.... Just gave me a xanax and left me alone for a good hour... And upon his return a prescription for xanax and discharge... I still feel jittery and light headed with a tight chest, not as tight but still feel my symptoms just drug masked....typical doctor pushing pharmaceuticals over trying to diagnose a problem...

13-07-13, 08:40
it does sound like anxiety and panic, when this happens we reduce oxygen in our systems hence the symptoms, if you are still worried then go back but you sound ok to me so dont panic blessings

13-07-13, 09:33
That happened to me loads of times back in 2011 it was a awful experiance and I think my face on one side actually went numb. And it got worse and worse for me because I didnt belelive the doctors or paramedics because the symptoms are real and so scary :-/ pm me if you like

13-07-13, 16:47
how do you not panic? i couldnt even walk myself into the ER which was a first

13-07-13, 17:00
I've had the same happen too me many times over the years. ( the symptoms) I think the problem is that you work yourself up and worry and stress a out how you're feeling and then start too panic.
About a week and a half ago I woke up from a nap and I felt so dizzy, I was seeing stars. Heart was racing and I also had a bruised temple!
I went to the drs and my bp was sky high! I'm not sure why I had the broke. Blood vessels but I'm thinking from the high bp. It was really scary but even after blood work nothing was really out of the ordinary.
It is true anxiety can do all this, I've thought I was having a heart attack so many times. Or my shins were growing out of my legs !!
I've never taken any sort of anxiety medication tho I've always eventually learnt to get over things myself

13-07-13, 17:54
Been there, Big-B. For a while I just refused to leave hospital because so many scary things were happening to me. I'm now in pretty severe medical debt, but tbh I do not care.

Have you had these symps before? Any recent physical ordeals like a virus? I ask because it sounds a little like your heart may have been pounding to compensate for poor blood circulation (hence dizziness first) which is a symptom of a hopefully benign condition my docs think I have.

But it's more likely to have been a bad panic attack, and some people do get them very bad. The dizziness with panic is actually caused by low carbon dioxide, not low oxygen, which makes it less worrying.