View Full Version : got to look at positives...

oh no_1
13-07-13, 08:39
so yeh my sleep may be like literally non existent at all..... but
i have had no time off work in my new job... it full time too 11 hour shifts....

now done over 3 months in my new job after all breakdown etc.

still going strong and getting through everyday. not sure how, just perservere.. but as a dear friend of mine on here made me realise.... i must be stronger than i think i am. guess bit embarassed to think that i am strong but maybe one day il believe it within myself.

guess we must all be strong for dealing and getting through one day to next with what we have to deal with.

gosh knows how il feel on proper normality of sleep etc. as have so much hyper and energy on no sleep.... well until i crash and burn which hope i dont.
must admit the weather does help in some ways although cnt sleep cos it too hot.

13-07-13, 19:46
You are strong, and the only person who can't see it is YOU.
I admire you my friend.

oh no_1
28-07-13, 10:08
who cant see what is 'me'?

28-07-13, 16:27
well done you....think we all tend to give ourselves little credit when we feel low.....but as someone on here said, we all have time & won't feel like this in 5 years time....good luck with your progress x

oh no_1
28-07-13, 20:51
thanks chantelle. um im on big low at moment but trying to get through each day