View Full Version : Major panic attack :/ always something

13-07-13, 13:31
I had my gallbladder removed close to 3 weeks ago.
About 2 weeks ago I had blood work to rule out infection, I ended up having a sinus infection. One thing showed up tho and that was high liver enzymes.
I had my follow up with surgeon a few days ago and he said everything looked good. His not sure about the liver because the X-ray theydo during surgery showed no stones in the duct and wasn't concerned because I'm not jaundice.

Since all my tape has been removed I now have an itchy rash, little spots. Only where tape was, is this normal?
I also have pain on the right side while walking. Maybe muscular?
My biggest concern is I was told today the clips they use are titanium. I had an eyebrown peircing with the same metal and it got badly infected.
Now I'm scared that's why I'm having the pain in my liver.
I'm going too see my dr next week when he is available but just wanting too ease my mind.
Does anyone else react too certain metals but been ok with surgical clips internally?!
I can't stop stressing

13-07-13, 14:30
The metal won't cause an infection, that's due to inproper hygeine. Piercings often become infected as there are essentially wounds open to bacteria.
The high liver enzymes might symply be a reaction to having the gall bladder removed, and these levels usually return to normal within 72 hours, but can take longer (up to three months for billirubin I believe). These are usually ALT an AST. Although they raise significantly, the reason is not well understood, and it's believed to have no clinical significance. Obviously if you experience fever, jaundice, nausea/vomiting or wide-spread itching then you should seek medical advice, although it seems unlikely this will occur.

The other symptms you describe sound very much like common post-surgical issues - tissue scarring, etc. Itching is very common where surgical tape has been removed. Bruising or redness around the incision scars is normal. If it were worrying then you would have clear sign of infection.

If the pain continues regardless of position or movement, or you spot any of the symptoms mentioned above, then see your GP. In the meantime, I would certainly suggest a follow-up blood test, but urge you not to be too worried. Nothing from what you've said sounds particularly serious.