View Full Version : Hiya I'm new here please read my experiance with health anxiety :)

13-07-13, 21:57
Hiya, here is goes I'm 23 years old I can sort of pin point when my anxiety started after the birth of my first child I was 17 years old when he was born :) I can remember laying on my bed with my partner now ex.. Anyway out of nowhere I said I'm not going to live long? I don't know why I said that I just felt like a black could :/ time went on and I left this felling build up and up 4 years went passed before I got help by this time I was at my lowest! Waking up each morning thinking of death everyday I didn't want to die neither did I think of suicide I just kept thinking about death! Enough was enough I broke down to my sister and told her what was going on in my mind!! My mum took me the doctors I was prescribed citilapram ( anti depressant tablet) slowly but surely I started feeling my self again! :) time went on and I met my new partner been together 4 years nearly I now have a 5 month old beautiful boy also :) everything's great lovely supportive partner and two happy little kids who I adore! But right now I am fighting something HEALTH ANXIETY! I hate it I think I'm going to die of cancer that's why I'm afraid of I have not got cancer I just associate everything I have with cancer for example worried about a mole on my back had it looked at twice all good doctor said, still don't believe her though :/ had a sore tail bone convinced it was cancer I read and search the Internet throughout the day looking for symptoms! Worse thing you can do do please don't! Now I have a sore armpit because I read up about swollen lympth nodes associated with skin cancer! I have made it sore by prodding really deep looking for a lump I check several times a day and now I have made them swell :( I will try my best to beat this health anxiety! I deserve to be happy and enjoy my life without this illness controlling my mind! Well that is my story thanks for taking your time reading it anyone feel the same as me? Xxxx

13-07-13, 22:24
Im with your on this my dear... Mine started because I thought I had liver or stomach cancer, even tho I had no symptoms other than a ache around that area... then I got globus ( or throat/ esphogus cancer to me), now ive re injured my ab muscle but not for me, bowel cancer... it feels never ending but im slowly getting there day by day

NEIL xxx

13-07-13, 22:41
Not a nice thing health anxiety reading back on my post has just made me a little upset when I had depression say 2 years back I can remember watching my sons Christmas play thinking it was the last one I was going to see because I was convinced I was going to die and wouldn't be around for next years one that was not a nice thought at all upsets me still when I thin back to that :( upside is though where not alone feeling like this and it's not our faults :) xx

13-07-13, 22:46
I got 4 kids and after they've had a birthday I keep thinking 'will I see the next one', its not a nice thought at all but im starting to fight it and after only 2 days there is some progress :) and yeah its always nice to know were not alone, just would be better if we all met on a nicer stage :)

13-07-13, 22:50
How do you try and block it out gave you had help through medication/ councillor if ya don't mind me asking xx

13-07-13, 22:52
Doctor at the moment, were working week by week on steps and actions I can do to improve my life and also having tests done. I do have a running diary on here somewhere lol

13-07-13, 22:55
Ye I'm waiting to be referred to councillor got my phone consultation next week then will go from there doctor didn't want to subscribe me medication cause she feels it will just mask it hopefully be in the road to a bit of normality soon good luck with your path aswell xx

13-07-13, 23:03
Ive got the phone number for my local CBT but havnt phoned yet, don't like group sessions. Hope all works for you too and im sure we'll speak soon

Take Care,
NEIL xxx

13-07-13, 23:19
No I don't think I would like group sessions either... We will get there in the end our silly minds ay! Haha x

13-07-13, 23:40
Hey Jennifer,

Im a mother of 4 and my anxiety started after i had kids! Maybe its through our fear of leaving our children that we become overly self aware? Our mind is a powerful thing! it can convince us of all sorts, both consciously and subconsciously!

I was at the doctor on Tuesday, absolutely convinced I had skin cancer! im very pale skinned and was burnt in the sun last year. this has left me with 5 new moles, 3 are balck and one is odd shape! I was sooo worried..however I have been assured they are ok! as long as the moles aren't bleeding colour through your skin, crusty looking, growing abnormally fast or painful they are OK :-) ... btw turns out the ill feeling I haf along with this was hayfever lol...now taking antihistamines and im feeling much better!

I have suffered with GAD and depression for 8 years! it sucks! but I have found ways to manage myself. Im no longer on citalopram or setroline, I just do my best to eat well, stay social (sonething I find the most difficult), keep distracted (busy at work/kids) and always voice something that is worrying me ... definitely true - a problem shared is a problem halfed! dwelling /mulling quietly is the worst!

Anyways, I do hope that this helps in some way and welcome to NMP :-)

14-07-13, 09:50
Hiya and thanks for sharing you storie with me I always thought maybe it has something to do with after I had my first baby! Yep the mind can play tricks on us can't it feels like I'm not incontrol of mine sometimes I'm hoping I will feel me again when I was suffering with depression I finally felt me again after awhile and came of citalipram and never really thought about death I just felt normal but now after the birth of my 2 nd son this health anxiety had started I can remember though early on in my pregnancy the death thought came bk again do maybe the change in hormones related to pregnancys mess Roth the chemicals in my brain! Hmmm xx[COLOR="blue"]
