View Full Version : i think i am immune, help on coming off?!!!!

13-07-13, 22:53
Over 12 yrs i have been on the evil seroxat.... i have gained 10 stone, have horrendous side affects if i miss a dose and my BP is through the roof (pre-eclampsia and high BMI to blame)

What is it like to come off Seroxat where would it be done would like an insight into it please???

25-07-13, 23:49

What dose are you on? I've been on it for 16 years and have also put on loads of weight and suffer horrendous side effects when I reduced it. Depending on your dose u would probably be put onto liquid form like I'm on and gradually taper the dose down.


31-07-13, 19:35

I've been on Paroxetine (30mg) for 6 months. Day 5 of no meds and going completely cold turkey.

Symptoms kicked in on around day 3 and are (so far): dizziness when rubbing eyes, intense/very detailed dreams, and felt slightly melancholic this morning. But now the mood is back up. And to be honest, it's not actually as bad as my withdrawal from Citalopram last year.

I've read that Fluoxetine can sometimes be helpful during withdrawal as it has a much longer half-life (approx 3 days) compared to Paroxetine (approx 1 day), but I guess it's all down to the individuals genetics as to whether that helps or not. I'm ready to ask the doc if my mood dips.

Anyhow good luck :)

31-07-13, 22:53
Hi thanks for you replies, i am on 60mg!!!!! my dr has been dubious about me comiing off them in the past, but i cant cope being morbidly obese and foody!!! id rather be thin and nuts ;)