View Full Version : Moving out costs worry

14-07-13, 02:44
I'm worried about moving out costs as I shower alot, flush the toilet alot, go through lots of washing and dishes so could have quite a high water bill? I use the tv and computer alot too how much will this make electricity higher?

What's the average bill for a one bedroom flat a month? :blush:

14-07-13, 07:11
It really depends on how much you use, and also if the things are on a normal meter or token meter. Obviously the more you use the more it is going to cost. TV's and computers don't use a massive amount of electricity so as long as you turn them off when you aren't using them then they should be OK.

You need to sit down and work out how much everything is going to cost, rent, water, gas, electric, council tax, phone line, sky tv, food, drink etc... then add 20% to be safe and give yourself a buffer in case you get a big bill coming in, and this should give you an idea if you can afford to move out

14-07-13, 08:24

Have a look at this link. It talks you through lots of different aspects of personal budget planning and there's a tool to help you.



14-07-13, 12:33
Your already aware of your high use of water etc, so just cut down a bit.
Good luck.