View Full Version : Hey guys!!!

14-07-13, 04:30
Hey guys, this is my first time here and would like to introduce myself.
Im female, aged 26, live in London and have been suffering with severe panic attacks and depression for about a year now.
Im not on meds, because im afraid to take them and i am so desperate and lonely in this, i just dont know which way to turn.
I am hoping to meet some likewise people like myself in here and maybe get some good tips on managing anxiety and depression with out the aid of meds.

14-07-13, 12:32
Hello & :welcome:
I hope you get the help & support you are looking for here, I certainly have. I admire you wanting to go med free, but sometimes we have to bite the bullet and go for it. I was scared of meds too but I have made good progress since going on them.

BTW, I am just north of London. Kitti :)

14-07-13, 13:20
I've been prescribed tablets but never took them as I can't swallow them as they get stuck going down and make me throw up. I was prescried Amatryptaline twice (in liquid form) to help me sleep and it was brilliant. One dose would knock my sleeping patterns into some semblance of normality - from sleeping for a few hours every 2nd night, to sleeping for a good six hours nightly for two weeks! The doc warned me that she would only prescribe it for me once (I got second bottle off different doctor) because it is highly addictive, because of this I rationed it to one dose every 2 weeks and the bottle lasted me a year!

I'm kinda glad that I didn't go on "happy pills" because it made me confront my anxieties - I went to a councillor and listened to the questions he asked me - I knew the answers were within me, I just needed to see how to get them out.

I promise you ScarednLonely that it is possible to overcome all your anxieties (or at least to lessen their effects). CBT is a big help and so are breathing techniques. I hope this site can show you the right way forward :)

14-07-13, 21:09
Awwww thank you so much, Kitti and Gypcyg, i feel better already, it was so scary being alone with this, but with both of your positive comments, im already starting to believe i can do this, you have no idea how much i appreciated your kind words, thank you once again xxx

14-07-13, 21:29
Hi scaredNlonely, I'm a newbie here too, I used to take diazepam on a daily basis but don't take any at all now, I think it's a great thing that you aren't taking them and the advice about cbt above is great as it really does help :) xxx

15-07-13, 00:55
Hi from me! :welcome:

15-07-13, 16:21
Thank you Sperinza and Annalissa, i hope to meet you both in the chat room, i wished i was brave enough to take Diazapam Annalissa, by the way my name is Takara, but most call me Kara for short.

15-07-13, 17:05
Oh darling, trust me, you are better off never starting the awful stuff! I wish I never had. CBT is a much better option, I believe. I'm sure I will find out lots more during my visits to this wonderful site though!

15-07-13, 18:15
Yes im excited but scared at the same time,but it will be nice to chat with others who go through it themselves and understand,what i am feeling, instead of people looking at me, like im a bit screwy xxx

16-07-13, 06:59
Hello *waves* You're not lonely any more. We are all here to help iin any which way we can. I'm new too, only joined up yesterday.

*big hugs*

I don't like to take tablets because I cannot swallow them properly and I am scared of what the chemicals might do to me.