View Full Version : 5mg cipralex need advice please

14-07-13, 07:48
Hi everyone, i want to start my 5 mg of cipralex as ive been suffering again with panic attacks daily on and off.some days have been horrendous but i have worked thru those days as ive recently started a new job. this is my 3rd week in new job and i love it. but my anxiety is getting worse i havent ate at all in the past 3 months because of it.... now ive been on this med before and cant remember how i was when i first took it. but the question i want to know is will i need some time off work to take these tablets???? im so torn as i dont want to jepodise new job,, knowing jobs are hard to find....im so deperate this anxiety and panic is debilitating some days ive tried to do it a natural way like self positive talk, relaxation,listen to afformations, and its such a long hard struggle leaving me knackered that the next day im still the same. constant adrenalin rushes hot and cold flushes being sick etc..... what do you you think i should do.... please help im desperate....:weep:


14-07-13, 09:41
I think your health should come before anything in life personally.

It sounds to me like your new job is adding stress to your current situation.

5mg is a very low amount of Cipralex and less than a maintenance dose so shouldn't cause too many problems, but at the same time, won't be the answers to your prayers.

Cipralex is fairly mild to start with and only caused me a few side effects. I've just doubled from 10 - 20mg and that hasn't been nearly as bad as I thought it would.

This is only my pure opinion, but for the sake of your health, take time off. Health is SO IMPORTANT.

I've lost everything I've ever had over this period of anxiety. My girlfriend of 5 years has dumped me, I had the best job in the world touring with bands, I had a great home in Cardiff with friends.

I am now locked up in a mental health ward with no money, no job, no girlfriend and now my parents won't even talk to me. I've lost everything but I don't care because I want to get better. I can and will pick myself back up off the floor once this is all over and start a new life, get a new job, find a new lady, get a new house, start earning money etc.

For now, I'm concentrating on ME and just ME. Don't give a damn about work or money or letting other people down. I NEED to get better.

That's only my personal opinion! Please don't make any decisions based on what I have said.

I really hope you are well soon

Steven xxx

15-07-13, 07:29
Steve I am so sorry to hear how these people are not standing by you, that is so wrong! You may not realise it now but you are so well rid of her if she can't stick by you when you are ill.
So was going up to 20mg's fairly easy???? I just keep putting it off as I am ok on 10mg but not quite perfect if that makes nay sense.
Lisa how are you getting on??? I was just like you a year ago, panic and anxiety every day and the Escitalopram has really helped calm me down. I am on Lorazepam too though. I did have side effects when I first went on it but they seemed manageable, that is he Escitalopram I mean.

15-07-13, 08:45
Steven i totally understand u.in2003 i had a breakdown due to awfull relationship. Got beat up held hostage and nearly died because of it. Took me a whole year in and out of hospitals plus my beautiful sister whom took me in to look after me. I to lost my job my home ...my life ... but since then have been on and off medication twice since then.. this time i have no problems like that. Im just frtting all the time over the people i love. When my partner works shifts i panic.... my daughters going away for a weeks holiday i panicd because i see her everydY with my baby grandaughter.. i cant cope with not having them around its pathetic and because im thinking all the time im anxious all the time.. im not a great person having to deal with change i hate it... it is really making me depressed. Everyday its there all the time. I have been trying to do it natruly but its so hard and i totaly understand whats doing it and why my body is doing it.the last time i was on meds i started on 5 mg .and i looked through my old post on her from 2007 boyy was i bad only on 5mg. Then went up to 10 in total took about 6 weeks to feel better... im sure my boss aint going to let me have time off that long.... i wishd he would cos i love my job... my job not stressing me. Just me when im alone and with my thoights... im so sorry u lost everything i been there but it will and does make u a better person... sometimes i worry my partner will go because of the way i am but he is a great support. Just think a person can only take so much... it can happen to anyone at anytime...personaly i wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy...... karen i read through ur diary from the strt well done.... thankyou. Both. I see how i go next few days. Xxx