View Full Version : Does the dark cloud hanging over us ever go?

14-07-13, 11:24
Hi everyone,

I'm sure many have you here have felt that since your anxiety or depression started that you have had a dark cloud hanging over you. It feels like my world has been tinted grey. The world just isn't like it used to be, it is a dark strange place now.

I just wanted to ask, does this ever go away?

I have got my anxiety under a lot more control recently, I have days where I can finally relax after months of non stop severe anxiety. I have forced myself to start a job and its early days but it is going ok, apart from the dark cloud which i try and ignore.

The thing is no matter how anxiety free I am or no matter how many brief moments of happiness or laughter or moments where I feel really relaxed, I still have that dark cloud there hanging over me, my world is still tinted grey and nothing is bright happy and normal like it used to be.

I really feel I am finally getting somewhere with my anxiety but when I think about it and still feel this dark cloud there it scares me and makes me feel really down. Its like my brain has been damaged from the mental breakdown/severe anxiety I had for the past year and I don't know if these feelings will ever go shift.

Just wanted to ask does anyone else feel like this and is there anyone who has been through this stuff and come out the other side to truly feel happy and normal again without the dark cloud/memory of anxiety hanging over you forever?

14-07-13, 11:52
all what you have mentioned i,ve had/have. it,s like you can see the dark cloud above/around you. am i right. if not then that,s just me. but yea i totally understand everything. and im like you i,ve got my anx under control but then you still feel something not right.

14-07-13, 15:30
Yea that's pretty much it fruity. Just a gloomy feeling, everything seems sad and scary, no matter how long I go without anxiety this "dark cloud" is still there.

Anyone managed to get this dark cloud to lift?

14-07-13, 15:46
mine is there everyday dont think it will ever go but i know of how your feeling :hugs:

14-07-13, 16:00
I have been on Zoloft for almost a month and I can say that it has made me feel so much better. I still have little things I worry about, even obsess about a bit but the cloud is gone, I feel happy and have more energy. I feel that even with those little nagging thoughts I am able to focus on being alive right now and enjoying it.

14-07-13, 17:31
gem7 thanks for your reply but I really hope that isnt the case as if I have this feeling forever then I really dont know how long I could go on for.

Leah52, Yea Zoloft and other anti depressant medications may be what is needed to lift the dark cloud. The dark cloud is maybe due to a lack of serotonin which the anti depressants try to combat. I was Citalopram and then Zoloft and although they did help my anxiety a little I never felt good or normal and the dark cloud never lifted.

15-07-13, 18:38
Lets hope it does go because I wont let it stay

16-07-13, 01:30
My gray cloud hasn't lifted for more than a few minutes since all of my weird symptoms started last year. I have hope that maybe one day it will get better... I keep thinking that perhaps if I finally reach some enlightenment, this will all go away. I can't imagine life being like this forever. :blush: I'm too scared to try medication because if it doesn't work, I feel like I will truly be like this forever and that there is no help. The idea of that is so terrifying and depressing.

It definitely helps to know we're not alone though. :hugs:

13-11-13, 22:47
Still have this cloud and strangeness hanging over me every since this anxiety breakdown all started. Maybe I over analyse everything to much but I just want to feel happy and at peace with my own mind again and that really doesn't feel possible anymore.

13-11-13, 22:53
I would love to say yes it will all be better soon, and yes lots tell you that i know. Truth is no i don't think it does. But you do learn to adapt and get on with things over time, and slowly the smile comes back. You may well be smiling for a different reason but does that matter.