View Full Version : relationship anxiety

11-10-06, 17:22
I know this isnt a normal anxiety covered on this site but i am about to end a relationship thats only been happening for the last 4 months but i cant trust the person so its got to end. Im just worried how im going to cope with it. I went through a tough time 2 yrs ago when ending a 2 yr relationship & im petrified i will suffer the same anxiety & stress i did then. It lasted near on a year. Ive got 2 kids of 11 & 9 & they think the world of his daughter. Its going to destroy them completely, especially the 9 yr old.
Anyone got any advice please?

Pete to win Big Brother 7

11-10-06, 17:29
If it,s not right for you end it , trust plays a big part if you a,nt got trust you an,t got anything. sorry but you asked for advice , your obviously unhappy and this will be noticded by your children.Trust me i,ve been there. lorraine

11-10-06, 21:43
hiya, its not an esy thing to do end a relatioship, but you need to ask yourself are you sure that he is cheating on you or do you just think he is because of the past experiences that you may have? hope things go ok for ya.x

11-10-06, 23:00
Hi its not going to be easy for you to end the relationship,but if there is no trust then you have to do what is best for you.All the best.
Take care

Ellen XX

12-10-06, 07:51
If you have good reasons for not trusting him then you should end it.
I have been there and I also have kids. At the end of the day you are their mum and you will always be there for them.It shows you care for your kids by considering their feelings but you must do what you feel is right. A relationship without trust is unbearable to me.
Take care
julie x