View Full Version : Horizon: The Truth About Personality

14-07-13, 12:35
Did any UK peeps watch this program? Despite the slightly hyperbolic title, I thought it gave a good insight into what drives optimism and pessimism, and how it may be possible to change your current tendencies in this area.

Michael Mosely, the presenter, is a long term sufferer from insomnia due to anxious thoughts, and he apparently found the recommended techniques helpful. The program went into disappointingly little detail on what exactly had changed for him, but he certainly said he was sleeping better after years of unsuccessfully trying to conquer his insomnia (including years of study about the nature of sleep).

The program is still available on BBC iPlayer if anyone wants to see it.

14-07-13, 13:48
Yes, I watched the programme on BBC iPlayer and I found it very interesting. If you go to this link, you'll be able to do some of the exercises used on the programme: http://www.rainybrainsunnybrain.com/bbc-horizon/ If you combine this with daily mindfulness for 10-20 minutes, you should notice a difference within 7 weeks. :) That is what I am doing and I'll retest myself at the end of August to see how I've improved.

14-07-13, 17:08
Ah, excellent link. The cognitive bias training seemed so simple I wondered if it would be available online somewhere. I just borrowed the Rainy Brain Sunny Brain book from the library yesterday, too.

I'm also trying the meditation - let us know your results at the end of the run.

Seeking Freedom
15-07-13, 12:55
I watched this myself and found it very interesting. I actually went and bought a lovely notebook yesterday to start a gratitude journal and try and change my mind to focus more on the positive instead of negative. I meditate already but am going to try and do it each day or more often to see if it works. I believe it can and it's always nice when there's some medical evidence behind it!