View Full Version : PLEASE SAVE from going to the Docs for the 5th time this month!!!!

14-07-13, 16:56
So i suffer anxiety like the rest of us, but for me it's mainly social anxiety.

Lately though, for the last three months to be exact, i have been experiencing very weak hands, acampanied by tinling sensations and numbness.

It's very distressing and it's showing no sign of going away. To put into context of how it feels; imagine holding your mobile phone, but it doesn't feel like you're holding it, more like somelelse (weird).

It also feels like my hand, when holding things like spoons and knifes, is going to give way and drop these items. Hands tremble after typing and texting, too.

It wouldn't bother me so much, but this is happening everyday now, even when i don't percieve myself to be anxious.

To be honest i'd rather be diagnosed with something so that I could treat it directly. I hate it when doCS say "try to relax, it's just anxiety".

Anyone relate?

14-07-13, 17:04
I bet you have stiff shoulders...? I think if this was really serious, you would have mentioned it during your other four visits... does it feel better when you are at the doctor's?

14-07-13, 17:40
I bet you have stiff shoulders...? I think if this was really serious, you would have mentioned it during your other four visits... does it feel better when you are at the doctor's?

Shoulders arn't noticeably stiff, no. How is this related?
It has been mentioned to Docs previously, but i had other, more serious symptoms that first needed addressing.

Last time i went, i was on a supplement which contained Beta-Alinine, which has been known to cause tingling and numbness in the hands. Doc said come back in two weeks, if this symptom does not subside upon siezing usage. Suprise, it hasn't gone.

14-07-13, 17:51
So the doctor is aware. But thinks it may probably be anxiety? If he said to go back, then go back when he said to... I quite often get a bit of tingling/numbness which is related to having stiff, tense shoulders and neck, that's why I said that.

---------- Post added at 17:51 ---------- Previous post was at 17:47 ----------

Just a thought - do you do a lot of online gaming? That can affect hands as well.

14-07-13, 18:28
So the doctor is aware. But thinks it may probably be anxiety? If he said to go back, then go back when he said to... I quite often get a bit of tingling/numbness which is related to having stiff, tense shoulders and neck, that's why I said that.

---------- Post added at 17:51 ---------- Previous post was at 17:47 ----------

Just a thought - do you do a lot of online gaming? That can affect hands as well.

My Doc reckons it probably is anxiety, but i really do have little faith in the average Doctors' knowledge of anxiety.

I see where you're coming from, yeah. I do lift weights quite often, but don't think this could have caused the hand thing.

No on-line gaming; in fact very seldom play computer games altoghether now a days.

I'll go in tomorrow, explain my symptoms, again and ask them to run tests this time as i think it's definately justified, from my point of veiw anyway.

Another note: I am off of ANY meds at this time. I have been on nearly every SSRI and have tried Mirtzapine, which seemed to make me even more detached. I may insist on trying Pregabalin as i've heard positive things on this medication.

Thannks for your replies:) appreciate the concern

---------- Post added at 18:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ----------

C'mon, someone else must be experiencing this aswell!

14-07-13, 21:18
are you using caffeine/jack3d or any other pre- or intra-workout supplements?

14-07-13, 22:45
I was yes. I do have caffiene daily, either in the form of tea or cofee. Could this be a contributing factor? Or maybe because caffeine causes anxiety it is leading to these pysical symptoms??

15-07-13, 07:50
yes. what you're doing is masking the true state of the body and its ability to perform intense activity by using stimulants. I'm guessing your body is pretty tired and is wanting to recover but it can't because it's being forced to exercise more than it's naturally capable of. Once or twice this doesn't matter, that's what adrenaline is for. But when you do this consistently you are just hammering your body and demanding too much from what should be a temporary solution.

If you continue doing this it WILL over exert you to your body and mind's detriment. when the body uses too much adrenaline as its fuel for too long you start to overproduce copper at the detriment of zinc and magnesium. Other vitamins start to get drained too and this in turn has an effect on the energy metabolism of the body and the production/regulation of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Don't worry it won't do serious long term damage but it could put you out of the gym for a long time and reduce your capacity to exercise as well as increase your anxiety levels (due to the same detrimental effects to the energy systems and neurotransmitters).

15-07-13, 08:14
Please trust the doctor, it definitely sounds like anxiety. The more you look out for the symptoms and the more you panic the worse it becomes. I'd bet my whole months rent that if you stop paying any attention to the symptoms and put your mind on something else it will go away.