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View Full Version : On JSA and suffering from Depression.

14-07-13, 17:55
I have been suffering from Depression for a few years now and am on Job Seeker's Allowance.

I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle, because I feel to depressed and anxious to look for work, (along with the job I have now - home worker) and to stay in a job. Even just going to the job centre makes me stressed.

I'm going to the Doctors next week but I don't know how I should approach telling the job centre that I am struggling.

ESA, I've tried to claim before, but failed.

The job centre keep inviting me for once a week interviews, regarding my job search and I'm skating on thin ice, every time I go.

I don't go out as much as I'd like, because of my depression and so on.

Please can anyone advise me on the best thing to do.

Things can't go on like this, for much longer.

Thank you.

14-07-13, 18:01
Your doctor should be able to advise you on this I think... I#m so sorry to hear you are feeling this low, it's really hard isn't it. I need to look for a new job before I leave this one (likely, get made redundant) but I feel I am in a Catch 22 situation.

Hang in there, get support from us here and from your GP. They can be very helpful - I hope yours is that type. x

17-07-13, 12:19
Hi Ju. You have done the important thing by making an appointment to see your GP.
When you next go to see the Job Centre advisor just be honest and tell them that you are struggling at the moment and that you have an appointment with your GP to talk about the problem.

17-07-13, 12:28
I agree with the above posts, tell the job centre and see if you can get support and help from your GP.

What job are you doing from home? Does the job centre know you are doing it?

Sorry can't be of any more help, just wanted to send you hugs:


18-07-13, 00:18
Telecanvassing and yes, the job centre do know.
Yesterday, I had to write on a job centre form about my depression.