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View Full Version : disturbed by something i've seen, cant calm my worries now...

14-07-13, 19:23
We were coming back from town this afternoon and stopped at a shop quickly. Just nearby small ambulance car turned up and there was a girl lying down on the pavement, at a bus stop, she was young, anywhere btw 20 and 30, at first i thought she just fainted with this hot weather but then police came as well and she wasnt moving, i just can't shake tbe picture of it from my head!! I just wanted to know she was alright but then the big ambulance arrived too and they never moved her as long as we could see anything. I am now panicking about everything.
I feel this pain in my leg and i am terrified it's dvt or something else bad cause the pain is all over my upper leg and in groin and hip too. And i was travelling few days ago. Then i started feeling faint as well. Then thinking oh my god you can go shopping or something and who knows what can happen to you. I just stop thinking about it and thinking the worst.

14-07-13, 19:28
Wind it back... you can't help her by panicking. Do some deep breathing...

You need some thoughts to turn to when this happens. Do you have a few DVDs you can use when you are feeling like this? What makes you laugh? Or smile at least?

14-07-13, 19:47
Thanks Speranza for your reply.

I know I can't help her and I can't know what happened to her, which makes it even worse. It just makes you remember that anything can happen to anyone anytime, and it is so scary. And I just have this horrible depressing feeling since. I worry about my leg and dizziness 10 times more now.

14-07-13, 20:00

14-07-13, 20:37
Something like that is always shocking and it's bound to affect the way you feel. But try to remember that it's only thoughts, it doesn't make it real (the way you feel about your health I mean, not what happened to the girl - that obviously was real).

15-07-13, 04:11
Aww I do understand how that must have upset and worried you hun.

I used to be like that too. If I saw anything that looked like it may not be pleasant, I would do all I could to divert quickly.

I've had to change my thinking on it now as where I live, I'm kind of surrounded by a lot of elderly people living in sheltered housing and I have an old folks home and day center right bang, smack opposite me.

Obviously we have many a paramedic unit turn up, several a week is the usual thing.

How I try and deal with it now is by instead of thinking "oh my goodness!! something terrible is happening, that could be me!!!"

I switch it completely the other way and now I think "oh dear someone is obviously in need of help, but the help is here now, isn't it great that no matter what may happen, there is always help that arrives quickly" :)

It's actually kind of built my confidence up really. Have a go at thinking that if anything did happen to you, help would be with you quickly no matter where you were, that will make you feel safer and less frightened by it :) :hugs:

15-07-13, 12:06
It's so sad and hard too see things like that. I too use to worry even more after I've seen or heard something bad but now although it saddens me, I kind if get a wake up call.
Anything could happen too any of us anyday, why waste your life worrying something is wrong when it's probably nothing.
Easier said then done I know, I still have my flare ups but enjoy life while you are alive is what I try too tell myself, stop stressing about " what ifs" .
I hope you feel better soon :)

15-07-13, 13:21
Auntie Moosie, I've done the exact same thing down the years. Anybody would think I was getting a bit wiser as I get older! ;)