View Full Version : Beaming from Ear to Ear....

14-07-13, 20:11
Well, i havent been on here for a while but after this weekend i just had to come online and tell you my news...... :yahoo:
After suffering from Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia for the last 4 years and missing out on so much, i think i finally had a breakthrough. Yesterday, i walked down my front street to the local shop! To some, this might seem like nothing but to most of you, who are going through the same thing, you will realise how much of amazing accomplishment this was. I'd never stepped foot in this shop before and i've lived in my house, down the road from this shop for nearly 3 years. dont get me wrong, the nerves, anxiety, sweaty palms and beads of sweat on my brow were all still there but i pushed on regardless, and thats not all..........
i walked down the road to the beach today!! Yes, the beach!! i had my partner with me both times, there's no way i could do it alone and today my very supportive and understanding 13year old son came with me too, he's fabulous by the way, but since i got back i've been grinning like a cheshire cat, i feel as though i can take on the world today and im not afraid to admit that i'm sooo proud of myself for doing all this in such a short space of time.
I found that concentrating on my footsteps helped, i was counting them in my head as we walked and wearing sunglasses :shades: made me feel 'invisible' to other people on the street. if you havent tried it already, give it a go.
I'd be a fool for thinking all my problems have suddenly melted away & i know that at some point over the next few days i'll probably be under that big black cloud again, but for now i hope this gives someone out there a little bit of hope and possibly encourage you to try being brave for just one day and see where it takes you, you never know, it might be that first step that you need. Thanks for reading and good luck xxxxx :yesyes:

14-07-13, 20:27
Great news! :)

14-07-13, 20:35
Congratulations, it’s amazing what we can do when we really put our minds to it, my Mum was agoraphobic for the last 17 years of her life and I am sure if she could post on here she would say that you can die anywhere, so get out there and enjoy your life and she would also say what a waste of the rest of your life, she did say she had missed so much by letting her head rule her life, not easy I know cause I have been in the situation where I was too scared to go anywhere, still have bad days but fight it as I would hate to get like my Mum god love her.
So again well done and enjoy your freedom.

14-07-13, 23:07
Wow, this is really fantastic! Congratulations :yesyes:

14-07-13, 23:59
I understand completely, that *amazing!* Well done! x

15-07-13, 11:02

Well done that is amazing! I know how hard that must of been and how much courage it took so you deserve to be proud of yourself!

15-07-13, 11:44
WELL DONE SARALOU:hugs::hugs::hugs::)

15-07-13, 12:12

15-07-13, 16:19
thats great news congratulations & well done :yahoo:

15-07-13, 16:26
Wow! Thanks everyone, your support is, as always, gratefully received xxxxxxx