View Full Version : Palpitations again

14-07-13, 22:13
Agghhh. Have been doing really well tuning out/maybe having less. Tonight I have had a small drink and off we go again. I don't drink very often but don't want to have to give it up altogether. No strange symptoms other than a stop and then a thud in the left of my chest and then normal service resumes. Do other people get them in the left, just slightly off centre? Most people talk about a tickle in their throat etc...?

Daisy Sue
14-07-13, 23:35
Yep, I'm the same.. seem to be really sensitive to any stimulants now like nicotine & alcohol.. I last had a bottled beer about 5 weeks ago and had palpitations all afternoon after it, so I've discovered alcohol-free beer (Becks does the nicest) and it's great - no problems, and really refreshing in this hot weather :)

15-07-13, 00:46
Becks Blue! Mmmmm! (Bit gassy but lovely taste)