View Full Version : Been up all night, poo

15-07-13, 05:14
Hello all,

My name is Amymay.

Never done anything like this before - always 'suffered in silence' never told friends - didn't think they'd get it (FYI smashing as they are, they don't, not really bless em).

Had my first panic attack at 15 - I'm now 34. Been on Seroxat (mega dose 60mgs daily) since I was 21. Took me years to try Beta Blockers as I felt like that'd be cheating - when I eventually tried em I found they worked well for me and so for the last couple of years as long as ive got a strip in my handbag I feel 'safe'.

However had a mega panic attack tonight, started about midnight - still regularly peaking now. For whatever reason the beta blockers haven't really touched it this time - now that's feeding my panic! I'm like Christ if these babies have stopped working how will I ever be 'safe' again.

Anyway, I've had enough therapy to know, I'm catasrophising, it'll pass, I'll find another answer etc etc.

Finally enough in August I'll be finishing this latest round of therapy and I love my therapist - he's made such a massive difference to my life. It's thanks to him I'm actually writing on this forum. I've been so tightly bound, so ashamed & discreet with it for so many years, I couldn't do group therapy or even an anonymous forum.

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent chaps. It feels great to know there are like minded people out here right now. I'm not alone and that's a nice feeling.

Ps I read a thread in the archive about Valium for ad hoc treatment of panic attacks so I'm thinking I might give those a shot.

I hate panic attacks so much. Even though their a very old, very well known friend to me after all these years I hate how intolerant I am to them. How fearful of them I still am.

I think that's what's keeping this one peaking. That thing of Christ, all these years later, all this therapy, all this medication, all this insight and still they come back & frighten me with a vengeance.

Still they make me fear how I will cope with my future. I really admire people who managed to marry and or have kids with this condition.

I'm 34 not married, not in a relationship, no where near ready to have kids as I'm scared - terrified I won't cope.

Ahh I dunno. Sorry to be miserable. I certainly don't want to bring anybody down. I just get so disappointed when I have one. Especially as they are a much rarer occurance for me now, probably 3 - 4 times a year now.

When there's been a big gap like that between em I dare to hope, am I free of them...? So when they come back it feels like, arse, back to square one again.

I wish I just wasn't so scared of em!

Anyways, thank you very much for listening. I wish you all well.

Amymay x x

15-07-13, 08:32
Welcome to the forum!

That's good you are able to reach out and join this forum, it sounds like your therapist is doing good, can you not get some more therapy after august?

I have the same thoughts if my medication doesn't stop my panic attacks, haven't had a really bad one yet, but had a few unpleasant ones.

Hope you managed to get some sleep at least :)

15-07-13, 10:41
Hi AmyMay and welcome to this site.

I can relate to what you are saying, I too have great difficulty in telling anyone about what I am going through. I had a major meltdown in March so I did open up and tell my partner and my sister how bad things have been. My parents now know and my 2 children (grown up) though they don't really get it.

I have found being on this site has been a great help and have had some amazing support and am messaging some great people from far and wide who I have met on here.

I was on paroxetine (seroxat) for a few years and stupidly came off them and then had this major meltdown. My GP has now given me citalopram which is helping and just recently he has given me propanolol which I haven't really tried properly yet. He gave them to me to take as and when required and I took 10mg and it did nothing, so am going to try taking 2 next time. What dose do you take?

I hope you find the support you are looking for.
