View Full Version : Strange questions and feelings

15-07-13, 06:59
I get panic and anxiety about stuff like my future or life itself. I really don't know how to explain it. It's just so strange for me because my anxiety was strictly social and I was a shy kid growing up but ever since I had my first panic attack I became a severe hypochondriac. I also was familiar with the going crazy, losing control fear. I'm used to these anxieties and these panic attacks. However, there's new things that have started happening such as like, "Who am I?" questions. And, "What is life, What am I, Life is so weird, What are you going to do with yourself.." Just questions like that.. And they really frighten me and make me feel very, very odd and depersonalized. Is this normal anxiety and panic? And has anyone gone through these types of questions? Any advice? I'm 20 years old and I want really want to get past anxiety and get a job, go to college, just get a life going.