View Full Version : Involuntary movements/muscle tension & intrusive thoughts?

15-07-13, 08:20
Hi all,
Really trying to tame down how many questions I ask but I think I'm worrying myself a lot lately. On a few occasions I've noticed myself making involuntary hand motions in my subconcious. A few weeks ago I was sure in the early hours my hand made a motion as though to slit my husbands throat with an imaginary sword and last night I was sure I clenched a fist as though to use a small knife to stab my husband. Has anyone else had anything like this? The thoughts are horrid, the racing heart and sweating make me feel horrid but these undesired contractions are making me feel like it's some inner hidden desire and I'm terrified it might be. I'm trying to maintain a close relationship to everyone close to me but I don't want to be near anyone at the moment as I'm so sure my inner concious wants to kill them all.

Thanks folks and I really will try not to pester you so much with so many questions, I had health anxiety for about 8 years but this seems and feels so, so much worse!

MrsS x