View Full Version : Zimovane For Panic Attacks Instead Of Benzos?

15-07-13, 13:01
I think I'm really annoying my Doctor lately. It seems that I am at the surgery every other day having panic attacks and begging for them to help me. What more do I have to do to be prescribed Valium? Pass out from a Panic Attack in front of him?

People will know that I am both Depressed and highly Anxious lately and have spent a great deal of time in bed with both. The only times I really get up are to go to the Doctor's office and drink liquids (I'm not really eating due to the anxiety).

During a visit to my Doctor last week I had a severe anxiety attacks where my heart and pulse were sky high. He saw me in this condition and instead of prescribing Valium or Ativan he gave me a three days supply of Zimovane (A sleeping pill) to help cope with the attacks. It seems that they are highly against prescribing me Benzodiazapines, no matter how ill I present to the office.

Was he right to give me the Zimovane instead of the Valium/Ativan? Don't get me wrong, I was delighted for the release, but what do I have to do to get Valium? It seems everyone I know with Anxiety is on it, yet they refuse to give it to me when I am crippled with Panic Attacks. I'm sorry if this turned into a bit of a rant. That wasn't my intention.

I guess my original question was, has anyone ever been prescribed Zimovane for Anxiety?

15-07-13, 13:52
Hi zimovane is a sleeping med so it will calm your anxiety down but in a diff way to Benzos, has your doctor gave you a reason for not prescribing you a Benzo? I know alot of doctors are dead against them, Im fortunate that my psychiatrist will prescribe them as she knows i don't cause them but saying that they are very addictive x x

15-07-13, 13:56
No. Zimovane is a sleeping tablet so it seems odd that the Dr did this.

Are you on any other meds for anxiety?. Sorry but I dont know your story so these questions might annoy you.

Do you have a regular Dr who you trust?

Others on here maybe are not just on Valium but have been prescribed Valium alongside other medication i.e. for side effects.

Take care


15-07-13, 14:02

The Doctor is strictly against them because they are addictive, yet had no problem prescribing three days of a sleeping medication to control it?

Something seems odd here. I know they are addictive, but surely to god they can prescribe a short course for me to help with the anxiety. I also suffer from severe agitation to the point where I pull out my hair and they still refuse me Valium. I'm sorry I'm ranting again, but what do I have to do to get help?

15-07-13, 14:03
Ok so just realised you are on pregabalin as well!!! (you posted on my thread...sorry)

Maybe you could up the pregabalin?


15-07-13, 14:09

Thanks for the reply. I posted a thread myself in the Lyrica section because I am currently begging my Psychiatrist to up the dose of Lyrica to maybe 175mg twice daily to help me cope a bit better but they seem so against it.

15-07-13, 15:39
It does seem odd that you were prescribed sleeping tablets for severe anxiety rather than a short course of diazepam, whilst diazepam is addictive i believe if used correctly it is very beneficial, i think it has a bad press against it too much x x

15-07-13, 15:54

This probably sounds ridiculous, but I'm off to the Doctor again today to try and get some. I would use it correctly and not abuse it, but I have a strong feeling that I'll be coming away with more Zimovane.

15-07-13, 16:38
Good luck, let us know how you get on, explain to your doctor how bad you are and you need a few days respite, it does frustrate me sometimes when they leave people to suffer x x

15-07-13, 16:45
I will do Nicola, thanks :)

15-07-13, 18:03
Zomivane would probably work in that it would send you to sleep. But it's a sleeping tablet and not intended for use for panic/anxiety. It also carries a risk of addiction, so seems a poor alternative to diazepam.

15-07-13, 19:13
Maybe you could talk to your doctor about prescribing you a small dose of something like Olanzapine (2.5mg?) or Quetiapine (25mg) they are anti psychotics in larger doses, but effective for severe anxiety in smaller doses. They are sedating and help sleep as well as anxiety. I think if your anxiety is very severe and debilitating this could be worth exploring with GP. They are not habit forming and can be taken longer term although they can sometimes have side effects of over sedation and weight gain - usually in bigger doses. It may help you get your appetite back though.

15-07-13, 20:04
I'm already on a lot of medication and have recently come off 25mg Zyprexa only two months ago. Today I got two 5mg Valium from Dr. Reilly. Can you believe that? Still, it's better than nothing and I can feel the effects as I type this. I'm calm for the first time in a really long time. Just because I am calm though doesn't mean that I am staying out of bed. I'm straight back there with my laptop.

16-07-13, 00:32
sleeping meds GIVE me worse anxiety. I will not take any form of sleeping aid. my doc wont give me any kind of benzo either:(

16-07-13, 01:09
He gave you 2 diazepam? Ridiculous! Was hardly worth it but at least you might get a few hours of respite, hope you feel better soon x x

16-07-13, 13:20
Two Diazepam Nicola. He was going to give me two Lorazepam, but then decided on the Diazepam. You are absolutely right. It was hardly worth it. I am disgusted with the whole Healthcare system. I saw my Psych Doctor today and again I asked could the Lyrica be upped to help with the anxiety, but today's excuse was that I am fairly new to the Prozac and they don't want to go changing too many things around. I have one Diazepam left and I am trying my best to spare it for a real emergency, even though I am up the walls with Anxiety today.

Megan: I know how you feel :)

16-07-13, 13:31
Hello Edward,

I'm jumping into this thread without having read it all, but Zimovane is a trade-name for zoplicone, which is one of the 'z drugs' that have very similar effects to benzodiazepines. If your doctor feels more comfortable prescribing a z drug rather than a benzodiazepine, then go with it. The effect should be much the same, even if it's presented as a sleeping tablet. It just shows how silly much prescribing practice is, and the pressure that doctors are under not to prescribe benzodiazepines.

My own feeling is that for some people, controlled long-term prescription of benzodiazepines is a reasonable option when all other alternatives have been explored.

Pregabalin has made a big difference for me, but I only occasionally had anything approaching a panic attack - mostly just waking to anxiety every morning.

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I've just read your post above concerning not being offered an increase in pregabalin. You could try the 'I'm sitting here and I'm going to continue sitting here until either you prescribe it or you carry me out' approach. I've been reduced to doing that on two occasions with doctors, and it worked. The proviso is that it has to be something reasonable and justified.

16-07-13, 13:41
Hi Hanshan,

I know that Zimovane is Zoplicone. Is it common for them to be prescribed over Benzos do you know? Don't get me wrong, the effects are great and it eases my panic and agitation, but I would feel better on Diazepam. That isn't going to happen though so I'll just have to find other ways to control the Anxiety.

The Lyrica is great, I agree. I am on 150mg twice daily and it helps a bit, but can also make me more anxious on some days.

Hanshan, believe me I have tried that with Dr. Dooley. It didn't go too well. I said "You're not listening to me", to which she replied in a harsh tone, "No, I'm not obeying you". It was like getting blood from a stone.

That's it. I'm going back to the Doctors again tonight. I've HAD it with panic attacks, depression due to them and agitation. There's only so much I can take. And this time I won't be coming away with Zimovane. I want Valium. I'm sorry if I seem aggressive, but I'm desperate.

16-07-13, 14:48
Hello Edward,

The key is refusing to leave their office - this stuffs them up no end. It's a power play, and not something I would recommend in all cases, but if the doctor doesn't do what you want, just say that you will sit there until either they agree, or they have to carry you out.

Be prepared to sit there a while and don't back down or get into negotiations. Believe me, you have much more time than they do, and the thought of calling in the fire department or the police (and you haven't committed any crime) isn't exactly appealing.

Again, power plays like this are only reasonable if your underlying request is reasonable. With drugs like this, doctors are always on the edge between reasonable need and excessive demand. My comments are based on reasonable need.

16-07-13, 14:54
Hello Edward,

It's a power play, and not something I would recommend in all cases, but if the doctor doesn't do what you want, just say that you will sit there until either they will, or they carry you out.

Be prepared to sit there a while and don't back down or get into negotiations. Believe me, you have much more time than they do, and the thought of calling in the fire department or the police (and you haven't committed any crime) isn't exactly appealing.


That's the attitude I'm going in with today. They can all the police to carry me out, but today they WILL help me or I'll sit there till the surgery closes. Dr. Arab, the one who prescribed the Zimovane, is on today and he isn't the worst, but once again he is against Benzos. I will tell him exactly what is happening. The depression, the anxiety, the panic and being in bed for weeks on end crippled emotionally and physically. Today I'm going to get a result. Thanks for the advice Hanshan. I appreciate it.:yesyes:

17-07-13, 08:11
I'm waiting for someone to jump on me for my advice above! I have to stress it only relates to situations where the doctor's actions are very unreasonable. Even then, it should not get to that situation. In my own situation, I once had a bladder problem and was seeing a urologist. We had pretty much exhausted all the options the urologist put forward (including surgery) when I did some research of my own, and came up with an article which said I could use a catheter on myself (this is common practice today, but it was 1986 then). I took the article to the doctor, and suggested that he give me a catheter and show me how to use it, and tell me where to buy them, and what size, etc. The doctor was adamant. No way would he do that. So I sat my ground and said I wasn't going until he did. In the end, he gave me a referral to someone else who didn't see any problem (and, yes, the catheter worked).

I was thinking in your case more about your doctor not agreeing to an increase in pregabalin rather than prescribing diazepam. The main point here is that there is no link to pregabalin being addictive, and once a dosage is established, it can be taken indefinitely, with doctors simply renewing the prescription. Unfortunately, there is a link with benzodiazepines being addictive (increased dopamine release), and doctors have to actively review the prescription each time, and are under pressure not to renew. If you are still suffering from anxiety when the prescription runs out, the same problem will arise.

On the other hand, there is also evidence of people taking small amounts of benzodiazepines for years to deal with anxiety without increasing the dose or the quantity taken, or getting prescriptions from multiple doctors, or any other of the behaviours associated with addiction.

17-07-13, 09:45

I got 10 0.25 Xanax last night. I had to nearly beg him to give them to me. I didn't give him attitude or anything. I simply explained that I thought it wasn't fair that they were leaving me without medication to help when I am having massive panic attacks. He agreed, but was very reluctant handing the prescription over. He didn't even mention Diazepam, just wrote the prescription for the Xanax. I am supposed to take one at night, which is strange, because I need them during the day too. But, I will not abuse them and take them during the day unless absolutely bad.

As for the Lyrica, it is up to my Psychiatrist to up that, but they don't want to at present because I have recently been switched to Prozac and they don't want to change too many things around at once. Well, that's what they are saying anyway.

Update: I know the Xanax is only to be taken a night, but I got a panic attack earlier and had to take two (They are only the 0.25mg). I'm in bed now on the laptop feeling relaxed, but the depression is still there. I managed to write in my journal a little today to get it all out of my system and it helped to a degree, but I will remain in bed. I'm relaxed, but still depressed. Also, I am not abusing the Xanax, I just had to take two to get some release from the attack.

Update: I am calm and thinking straight (I think). I managed to stay out of bed in the afternoon and clean the house and walk the dogs. I also listened to meditation music (I couldn't do a full meditation because the dogs keep barking so it would be a waste of time.) Now, the Xanax are wearing off, and I'm a little bit worried, but I won't be taking anymore today. Well, maybe if I get really bad. That's the day so far. Right now I'm downstairs on the PC and listening to my favourite Country music on YouTube. Not bad for someone who was bed ridden for the past two and a half weeks. Baby steps.

18-07-13, 05:37
Hello Edward,

It's good to hear that you are getting some relief. I wondered why the doctor said to take the Xanax at night and not when you have anxiety. Perhaps he wanted it to look like he was prescribing them for insomnia.

Is it possible to get all your anxiety/depression medications from the psychiatrist? They may be less likely to dole out tiny quantities.

18-07-13, 13:14

I'm currently on:

Prozac (20mg)
Haloperidol (5mg Twice Daily)
Lyrica (150mg Twice Daily)
Seroquel (300mg Daily)
Tylex (300/30mg Two Two Times Daily)
Zimovane (7.5mg Noct For Two Weeks)
Clopixol (200mg Injection Weekly)

I get all these medications from my Psychiatrist bar the Tylex. The Psych doesn't want me taking sedatives either so it's hard for me to get some. I am using the Xanax throughout the day if the anxiety and panic get too much for me, but I am down to my last five. I haven't taken any so far today, though the anxiety isn't as bad as it was yesterday and the days before. Could it be that it's less because I know I have sedatives to control it? My mind works in funny ways. I am also coming to the end of my Zimovane, so this time next week I will only have the Lyrica, Seroquel and the Haloperidol to help me. I don't find these good at all, but I take them on the advice of the Psych Doctor. The relief with the Xanax is amazing though and I could easily get used to the relaxed feeling.

---------- Post added at 13:14 ---------- Previous post was at 13:12 ----------


I'm currently on:

Prozac (20mg)
Haloperidol (5mg Twice Daily)
Lyrica (150mg Twice Daily)
Seroquel (300mg Daily)
Tylex (300/30mg Two Two Times Daily)
Zimovane (7.5mg Noct For Two Weeks)
Clopixol (200mg Injection Weekly)
Xanax (0.25mg Noct For 10 Days)

I get all these medications from my Psychiatrist bar the Tylex. The Psych doesn't want me taking sedatives either so it's hard for me to get some. I am using the Xanax throughout the day if the anxiety and panic get too much for me, but I am down to my last five. I haven't taken any so far today, though the anxiety isn't as bad as it was yesterday and the days before. Could it be that it's less because I know I have sedatives to control it? My mind works in funny ways. I am also coming to the end of my Zimovane, so this time next week I will only have the Lyrica, Seroquel and the Haloperidol to help me. I don't find these good at all, but I take them on the advice of the Psych Doctor. The relief with the Xanax is amazing though and I could easily get used to the relaxed feeling. That in itself is the wrong idea though, isn't it?

20-07-13, 16:39
Hello Edward,

I'm glad to hear that you are getting some relief with the Xanax. If it makes you feel good, that may be linked to a dopamine release somewhere in the brain, which may in turn be linked to a habit-forming potential. However, the same may be said of a cup of tea or coffee every morning. I'd like to see GPs doling out tea and coffee prescriptions, with strict warnings of their addictive potential and recommendations and advice how to stop the habit.

Nevertheless, from your post, you are taking eight psychoactive medications. I think that is probably more than the number of neurotransmitters they are meant to control. At some point the negative effects of some medications start to cancel out the positive effects of others.

My own personal feeling is to try for the fewest medications to control a condition, but at most three or four. In cooperation with your psychiatrist, you might want to discuss reducing the number of medications you are taking.

Nevertheless, it's still good to hear that the Xanax is giving you some relief.

22-07-13, 10:10
Thanks HanShan,

I'm afraid I have one Xanax left and I am really starting to panic. The relief I felt just having them there for my anxiety was so good and now that I am down to the last one I am starting to worry a little. There is no way I will get any more from my GP. He was bad enough giving me these ones.

Since I have started on the Clopixol they were supposed to cut me down on some of the other medications, but they haven't done that so far. I think the Seroquel is coming down to 200mg tomorrow when I visit the Psych. I personally don't know why I am on so many. I usually just go with them and don't ask too many questions. I usually don't get too much of a say anyway so it doesn't make a difference.

So, I'm officially out of Xanax. I took the last one earlier after getting a little panicky and short of breath. Seriously thinking of visiting the Doctor this evening and saying that I was away for the weekend and left my Xanax behind me and would be requiring a new prescription, even though I know in my heart that is wrong. Just panicking here. Took 5mg Haloperidol and 150mg Lyrica ten minutes ago, so hoping they will do something for me. I seem to be staring at the empty Xanax bottle though.

22-07-13, 15:25

Xanax gone. Took the last one two hours ago and am definitely thinking of going to the Doctor this evening for more. I know I said I would only take them one 0.25mg at night like prescribed, but I was very anxious the past couple of days and was reduced to taking a quick fix away from the panic attacks by taking the Xanax. I am staring at the empty prescription bottle now and wishing I was back last week where I had ten of the pills. I have taken 5mg Haloperidol and 150mg Lyrica, but they don't seem to be doing the job like the Xanax did, the quick relaxing fix.

I watched "City Of The Living Dead" with my partner yesterday because he loves Italian Zombie movies and a woman passed out from panic and they thought she was dead. They put her in a coffin and she woke up just as they were burying her. I shouldn't have watched that because now I'm thinking that it will happen to me. I called Aeneas and told him my fear and all he could do was advise me to say it to Dr. Kirrane tomorrow when I go for my Clopixol injection. It's stupid I now, but that sometimes happens to me. I watch or read things and I think it will happen to me.

Example: As soon as I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder I immediately began buying movies and books about mental health and Borderline. I watched and read Susanna Kaysen's "Girl, Interrupted" and during one of my Episodes where I was committed I became hysterical and frantic because I wanted an x-ray to prove that I had bones in my hand. I was ultimately calmed with Olanzapine.

I'm so sorry for going on, and I realize that this isn't about Xanax or Zimovane anymore, but I just feel like talking today and I can't see my Psychiatrist until tomorrow.

Apologizes if I came off subject.