View Full Version : Chest pain

15-07-13, 13:39
I was just bending over cleaning something out and when I stood up I got this almighty squeezing pain in the left of my chest. Lasted a few seconds and took my breath away. Really frightened me but I tried to ignore and carry on. Then When I sat down ( admittedly in a crunched up position) it felt uncomfortable just there where the pain had been. Like it was restricting my chest. It hurts when I breathe in as well :(

15-07-13, 13:50
Sounds like a trapped rib muscle to me. I do it all the time.
Are you experiencing Pains it your arms,neck, side of face,crushing/tightening feelings in you chest? (symptoms of a heart attack)

I am not a Doctor so you could call your surgery and ask to speak to the on call Dr for advice......it's OK to seek reassurance


15-07-13, 13:52
What Sarah said. I expect it is ok but that is one symptom doctors would prefer you checked out. :hugs:

15-07-13, 13:53
No other symptoms at all no, heart rate normal as well.
Can your ribs really do this? It was like a severe shock, ouch!

15-07-13, 14:39
Yes they can!! Especially if you have been cleaning and maybe straining to reach things at awkward angles. Hurts like billy-oh. I'd say you are now into 'doing pretty well if it was a heart attack' territory (how I measure my various things!!). ;)

Wouldn't harm to get it checked though. x

15-07-13, 15:22
You can dislodge a rib - I have done this and the doctor did something to put it back and there was a crack when he did it. This gave me terrible chest pain at the time

If it gets no better then maybe see the doc

15-07-13, 15:23
Well I'm still here and have completed the school run so I think I'm safe for now. I have a dr app on weds so I will mention it then. Any time I've had something I'm the same region before they've just said muscles though :(

15-07-13, 15:39
It probably is just muscles, but do mention it to your doc. I've had the left arm aches, chin twinges, etc, etc, and once they check out your heart they just sort of shrug.

15-07-13, 21:42
It's just the same old though. Had an ECG which was normal and I have been going through a stressful period so they say normal to the palpitations and blame any 'feelings' on muscles.

16-07-13, 22:26
I e had a couple more twinges today. I've tried hard to work out where they come from when they happen but all I can think its my heart squeezing. What if it spasms into a heart attack? I've got a dr app tomorrow but I'm so scared. I'm too young for this. I've got gorgeous children I don't want to leave. It's so worrying.
It's only momentary and seems to happen when I move in some way, either bend over or stretch an arm etc.
And today I had this tingly shivery type thing in my left arm. No pain just am odd tingling. I do have problems with my neck and upper back which I am getting treatment for so hopefully that is what that is?? But none of this is looking good :(

16-07-13, 22:29
It's looking like neck and back problems Sweetheart. Heart attacks don't come and go depending on how you move your arm. And I should know, I've fought off several strokes this week! :D

16-07-13, 22:33
The 'pain' in my chest is deep. They say muscular at the dr but it comes with a heart beat usually. Or this big one I had the other day I just couldn't work out what was happening. And surely if I bent over again it should happen again? I should be able to reproduce it if its muscular?

16-07-13, 22:38
All pains come as our heart is beating. Why on earth would you want to reproduce a pain that has you so worried? If you can't reproduce it every time, that probably means whatever it was is beginning to heal. Don't worry, unless it's the longest heart attack in history you sound fine.

16-07-13, 22:41
Oh I know it's not an attack right now, what I mean is its the warning signs of one or a defect or something.
If I can reproduce the pain and prove its muscular I can relax with twinges etc. like if I get a pain in my shoulder and I move it and it hurts I know it's muscular so I don't worry if that makes sense. But this is so random. It's always the left side, never the right. I don't get any problems in the right side at all.

17-07-13, 14:51
Can heart problems cause twinges and pain in the left of your chest? I cannot wait for my dr app today. I really do hope they take me seriously as this is really upsetting me.

17-07-13, 15:18
Generally heart pains are felt in the central chest.

It sounds muscular to me