View Full Version : Feeling or dying :/

15-07-13, 14:40
I am currently suffering from health anxiety well that's what I think I've got? I worry I have cancer a lot or goin to get it! My anxiety has been high the past few days and im starting to get upset I'm having heart palpitation and dizziness :( my health anxiety/ bit of depression makes me feel I will die young or soon has anyone else experienced this feeling I'm upset by it :(( xxx

15-07-13, 14:55
Yes!! I would say MANY people on NMP have experienced what you are describing....and it is horrible to feel that way.

Read posts on here about these feelings and hopefully you will be reassured that you are indeed healthy and the fear leads to the symptoms which lead to more fear. Breaking cycle of fear is the key.

Take care


15-07-13, 15:46
Thank you it all started well got worse when I was worried about a mole on my back been to two separate doctors and both said it looks fine me reading things on the internet about skin cancer made me see about swollen lympth nodes what it could spread to! Me being me started to prod and prod at my armpit to feel for lumps which I never felt but still prodded and now I have made it swell an it is rather sore now my health anxiety mind tells me see look it is swollen cause of lympth nodes :( this feeling is really getting to me I want to be happy and enjoy my life! I've been in this position b4 and now I'm back here again and hate it! I have made a doctors appointment for 4.45 today let's hope I can get some medication b4 I drive myself crazy!! Sorry to go on just feel really desperate today :(( xx

15-07-13, 15:51
Yesterday I had a bit of that 'doom' feeling. Can't say it's really gone today. I've sort of gone through phases with it. But I'm 21 and I've told my boyfriend which drawer I keep my 'will' in, such as it is. Most docs said they thought my condition was benign, but I do find it very hard not to be worried.

Meds might help. Xanax has helped me with the feeling at times.

15-07-13, 16:01
I know I have made my armpit swell by digging really deep into it and prodding but telling my health anxiety that is a different story :( just feeling really shakey at the moment and a racing heartbeat xxx