View Full Version : Weakness/Tightness in calves and quads

15-07-13, 14:50
Hi guys,

for the past 3 weeks I've been suffering from weakness and tightness in my quads and calves.
A little bit of background on my anxiety - I've been on zoloft 50mg for 6 months but I'm "clear" for the past 2 months. Most of my anxiety symptoms disappeared over time but the weakness in legs has returned for some reason and I'm beginning to freak out. I've had this when I was on zoloft and the doc told me that it was a plausible side effect of the medication. I waited for 4 months and it gradually disappeared.

But lately (after another health anxiety issue that no longer bothers me as it is non-existant) I am experiencing a similar weakness and tightness in my calves and quads. It came suddenly one day and I feel like I can't stand up for a long time and when I walk for more then 1 km, I feel the weakness in my thighs. I am/was physically active and the strangest thing is that I feel better when I am walking faster or running. The problems are most prominent when I am walking slowly or standing up still. That's when I feel the weakness. Of course I'm obsessed with the possibility that I have MS, ALS or other horrible disease.

I was advised to take magnesium supplement for the tightness. It is the third day of using it but I don't see any improvement and I am feeling down.

Do you think this is another anxiety symptom?
Has anyone else experienced this?
Can you give me a piece of advice to cope with that?

Thank you in advance for your help!

15-07-13, 14:58
High muscle tone is indeed a sign of stress and anxiety.

16-07-13, 08:51
joelhall, thanks for the answer.

But I don't feel like my muscles are tensed while resting. Is it possible for the muscles to be "flexed" to a certain point and not feeling it?

I guess tensed muscles can feel weak and that's the reason behind my problems.

I hope it will all go away.

16-07-13, 11:14
If the tone is increased, you wouldn't feel it unless you move. Unless you were really tensing as hard as you could. Tone is simply resting tension, and muscles are never fully 'relaxed', but partially contracted - even while lying down.

16-07-13, 17:31
A little update:

I just came back from a football game. A ran for one hour and I felt good (not great but good). It is strange - while I am running I can't feel the weakness/tightness in my legs but when I stop my legs start shaking and trembling.

So my conclusion is that the muscle weakness is not actual - my muscles can work fine under pressure but for some reason when I am standing or walking slowly, I start feeling the weakness in the legs.

17-07-13, 16:10
Today I find out a possible explanation to my problems - tight hamstrings.

I work seated all day and this is one of the causes of tight hamstrings.

Do you think tights hamstrings can cause difficulty walking or standing up?

P.S. I started some stretching exercises - hope I will see improvement soon.