View Full Version : Overwhelming dizziness

15-07-13, 17:56
Whilst I have had panic attacks in the past related to stressful times in the past, my most common complaint which has been with me for as long as I can remember is crippling dizziness to the point where I lose completely balance and walking becomes almost impossible and my feet appear to give way from under me.
On the last couple of occasions, I have actually fallen to the floor.

I can usually see it coming but unfortunately am very bad at controlling it.

This has led to serious issues recently where its happened in the company of my wife and others who are less than understanding not that I can blame them.
Can anyone recommend, quick fixes to stop this in its tracks when it happens?
It does appear to be hyperventilation from what I have read and apparently sniffing on Frankincense is very good for this, anyone got any experience with this?

15-07-13, 19:28
Are these episodes panic related, its worth going to the dr to be checked out blessings

16-07-13, 09:13
Both me and my mum used to get panic attacks from being dizzy but we both went to the doctors and found out mine was due to severe migraines (I also used to find myself on the floor on numerous occasions) and my mum had virtigo from an ear infection.

So I'd definitely go to the docs about it in case it is something else. Hyperventiliation definitely worsens it though.


16-07-13, 10:57
been to the doctor, had blood tests and everything was normal...