View Full Version : How can you make a partner understand

15-07-13, 20:39
Help here, no tolerance for how it feels, daily anxiety, settling on taking pills to achieve a calm and effective day ( citalopram). Why can he be more understanding. Which in itself will help.

15-07-13, 20:42
Have a read....

16-07-13, 07:23
My husband doesn't understand either, however he has chronic fatigue and depression so he understands that there are illnesses that aren't always seen.

I wish my husband would understand more too. The only anxieties he gets is the thunderstorms one with me because he was the one whom had to hold me when i had my breakdown.

16-07-13, 10:06
They don't frigin understand. What annoys me is my husband has seen me suffer , I'm pregnant at the minute , hes seen me vomit for 4 months constantly BUT recently had bloods done they're all fine and he says - see - nothing wrong with you your a hypochondriac. And thinks its funny??

He says he understands, but come an argument he won't hesitate to push me even though he knows I'm anxious and that could be the basis of our argument.

A joke - I'm appalled. I really would Not normally say this but, I hope he gets a taste of this along the line and see how it bloody feels.

Sorry 4 rant

16-07-13, 10:10
Thanks , helps to know its not just me feeling he same.

16-07-13, 10:59
They don't frigin understand.

A joke - I'm appalled. I really would Not normally say this but, I hope he gets a taste of this along the line and see how it bloody feels.

Sorry 4 rant
Here here I feel exactly the same way :)

16-07-13, 13:25
I wish my partner understood too. He just tells me to deal with it when I'm suffering from depression and anxiety. We usually fight over this and I always tell him to try and live in my head for the day to see how it feels. He asks "Depressed? Anxious? Agitated? but says nothing when I tell him I am.

17-07-13, 15:50
My fella is so non understanding that it actually makes me think to myself is it worth staying here sometimes :( and that hurts because i love him so much, but when i'm having down time, he gets so frustrated and angry thinking that i am attention seeking and in return that makes me even more anxious and depressed, it makes me so ill sometimes and we argue and i think why am i doing this my health is more important, i shouldn't have to deal with him when i'm already struggling to cope, i could just go back to my parents and be with my mum who has suffered the same and understands....but as i say i love him so much and he's fab in every other way, just doesn't believe in what i go through, thinks anxiety is just feeling worried and nothing more :(

17-07-13, 19:04
I suppose unless you're in it coping, feeling it, it must be hard to understand.

17-07-13, 23:22
I suppose unless you're in it coping, feeling it, it must be hard to understand.

get what you sayin but no excuses. these are our loved ones and should bloody accept that we genuinly, are struggling

18-07-13, 10:36
I feel for everyone who has partners/friends that do not understand our suffering but in reality, no one could ever understand the hell we are in unless they have experienced it themselves.

My husband tries but cannot understand it and admits that it is unfathomable to him, but he is very supportive and accepts that I am struggling.

I must add though that I would never ever wish this suffering on anyone, especially not a loved one (though if life were fair and just Ian Brady and the like would suffer instead of us).

We will all survive this and become stronger, kinder, more accepting human beings as a result and have the knowledge that we can cope with anything, which is something our partners will not have. There is a silver lining to every cloud.

18-07-13, 16:36
The thing is. i think i've become a worse person for all this suffering. I know it's bad, but because i'm frustrated and depressed the whole time, i get angry at others around me because i want to do the things they can do and yet they still complain at the little things.

I used to be a really nice person and part of me still is, but there's the other part which has had enough

18-07-13, 19:52
My partner and me actually had a huge argument today, he wanted me to go swimming and thats a huge step for me so i said i wasnt ready, but that wasnt enough for him and i was made to go. Later that day he wanted to go to out to dinner, i said no as i had a hard enough day as it was...he fell out with me and coudnt understand why i was making such a fuss! they dont even realise when we do something thats so hard for us, just to make them happy! fed up.