View Full Version : Hi

15-07-13, 21:03
Hey, my name is Kayleigh. I'm 15 and I suffer from dysthymia which is a mood disorder with less severe but longer lasting symptoms than depression. My doctor recommended this website as a way of helping me to cope alongside my counselling in the hopes that I won't have to start medication. I'm a little bit nervous about doing this because I haven't done anything like this before. Lately I have had bad problems with self-harm, eating and I have been distancing myself from my friends so I hope using this website will help me to find people who really understand me so I don't feel so alone.
(Sorry it's a bit long)

15-07-13, 21:11
Hi Kayleigh. Sorry to hear about that. Being 15 is tricky enough without all that too. Have you tried getting out and about in fresh air and taking some exercise? Setting yourself goals and targets each day? From what I've seen of my daughter's similar experience she has vastly improved once she's got out and about instead of staying in her room on tv, laptop, x box etc. She also distanced herself from friends for a while. Lot of similar things to you.
You WILL get through it and get better.

15-07-13, 21:13
hello you are definately in the right place, all of us here have depression, anxiety, ocd and panic to name a few, we seem to pull eachother through the rough times so we are all here for you it must be very hard to go through this at your age, hope we can help blessings

15-07-13, 23:09
Hi Kayleigh......welcome to NMP & I hope and believe you will get all the support you need on here. Your hormones are probably all over the place atm but your life is only really starting...don't ever let yourself believe you will feel like this for ever.....you will recover!!! Be kind to yourself and only do what you feel you can every day...these feelings will end and just learn to cope through the bad times....the light will shine again :D

15-07-13, 23:15
Hi, lovely to meet you. :)

15-07-13, 23:59
Glad to have you with us Kayleigh.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

16-07-13, 07:05
Hey there *waves* I was hesitant too as part of my paranoia I don't take advice well, it often comes to me as if they are insulting me and I either become ratehr offended or shut them out.

Joining forums with like minded people has helped so much and I am sure we will be able to help you feel better soon. *hugs*