View Full Version : Anexiety

15-07-13, 21:15
Hi I'm 17 years old and I've been suffering from health anexiety for about a year now, it all started when I had a throat infection and I couldn't get rid of it anyway 1 thing led to another now I'm suffering with my head, I get a lot of head aches, pressure head aches and I sometimes get a fuzzy feeling and feel off balance when standing, I've had blood test all came back clear of everything the doctors think its just anexiety I've been to see them about this a number of times they've now gave me medication for it, just want to see if anyone else has these symptoms as I find it very worrying, and constantly think I've got a brain Tumor or something if anyone can help please do as talking makes me feel a little better especially if Someone has the same thing!!! Thanks x

15-07-13, 21:24
Hi! Jenna!

This will definitely be anxiety related, I had your exact same symptoms for months, headaches constantly, dizziness majorly, fuzziness and blurry vision. As soon as I just calmed down and the GP reassured me it was anxiety related everything started to disappear, she put me on citalopram, which has helped a lot! But I still do get health anxiety it just takes the edge off it!

I really don't think you have anything to worry about, a lot of people on here will have had exactly the same symptoms and that's because it's all anxiety related!

Take care,


15-07-13, 21:30
Yeah that's the tablets they've gave me, I just
Hope something works as I'm really fed up now :( its ruining
Life and I constantly worry my dr's are sick of seeing
Me and telling me its anexiety lol I'm also having sleepless nights everytime I close my eyes I feel funny or dizzy :( thanks for your help :) xx

15-07-13, 21:38
That's ok anytime!

Well just so you know they make take up to 4 weeks to fully get into your system and work, they can give you some side affects for a week or so but they WILL go so keep taking them . Dizziness and nausea are quite common and insomnia. But it's just the tablets doing their thing :D

It was ruining my life too, I used to live at the doctors, getting better now but I still have health anxiety! Just have to learn to deal with it and put everything into perspective.

If you wanna chat PM me if you like :)


15-07-13, 22:40
Hi Jenna!
I am currently going through the exact same symptoms, along with twitching, head pains when I lie down, dizziness, and facial pins and needles, also clicking in ears when I swallow.

I'm taking CBT therapy, today was my first day and I have to say I'm feeling refreshed and better already. I really think yours is just anxiety. :)

---------- Post added at 17:40 ---------- Previous post was at 17:39 ----------

Hi Jenna!
I am currently going through the exact same symptoms, along with twitching, head pains when I lie down, dizziness, and facial pins and needles, also clicking in ears when I swallow.

I'm taking CBT therapy, today was my first day and I have to say I'm feeling refreshed and better already. I really think yours is just anxiety. :)