View Full Version : Having my hair done tomorrow will someone hold my hand?

16-07-13, 00:15
I'm so nervous, ive done a skin test all ok. I'm worried abour 1 - getting a visual migraine just after all the dye is on

2 - having a panic attack
3-.having a allergic reaction to the dye.

Need someone to hold my hand. My appointment is at 12.30.

I use to love having my hair done, now its more of a phobia!

16-07-13, 06:37
Good luck for your appointment , I know how you feel, but I'm sure you will be fine and will feel much better once it is done. Let us know how you get on. :hugs:xx

16-07-13, 09:13
Thank you. My stomach is in knots now, cant breath just over 3 hrs away! Feel soooo scared....but your right 99% chance everything will be ok.

16-07-13, 13:46
How does it look?????

16-07-13, 17:57
Thank you. My stomach is in knots now, cant breath just over 3 hrs away! Feel soooo scared....but your right 99% chance everything will be ok.

Hope it went well for you. :) xx

16-07-13, 20:33
Hi it looks good, I'm sure it felt slightly burning when it was on but it was constant so this was probably in my mind. When rinsing it off the hairdresser said oh behind ur ears are red! So im panicking now! Washed behind my ears and took a pic and they were red, but it might of been because I'd just washed them! Will have a look again in ten mins and freak out if there still red. Im sure I can feel burning on my head n neck, only slightly. Help!

16-07-13, 20:34
Ahh pinky I would have held your hand but I saw your post too late. Hope it went ok. I remember years ago having my hair permed and worrying about what it would be like, the first one was brilliant but the second a flop. Didn't have any after that. Let us know how u got on!!

16-07-13, 22:32
Still panicking and googling hair horror storeys lol. How am I suppose to go through this every 8 weeks?

16-07-13, 22:33
Why do you have to?

16-07-13, 23:49
It actually confuses me as to why people who are scared to dye their hair (anyone not just you Pinky, there are plenty of threads on here like it) actually do it. especially if it makes you panic the way it has.

It is not like dying your hair is a necessity it is done purely for vanity reasons.

sorry just confused. why actively put yourself into the position which you know will make you panic when you don't have to?

17-07-13, 06:03
It actually confuses me as to why people who are scared to dye their hair (anyone not just you Pinky, there are plenty of threads on here like it) actually do it. especially if it makes you panic the way it has.

It is not like dying your hair is a necessity it is done purely for vanity reasons.

sorry just confused. why actively put yourself into the position which you know will make you panic when you don't have to?

I guess it's like lots of things Emmz - if we only did what we needed to do rather what we wanted to do, life would be pretty dull. It's all part of living with anxiety to force ourselves outside of what we're comfortable with and it's often worth the stress for the end result.

Pip x

17-07-13, 13:27
If it's something you've done before, maybe a good idea is just to rehearse how you felt last time, and remind yourself it was fine. That's what I've had to do with lots of things.

17-07-13, 16:16
I understand that the main idea of therapies such as CBT is to push yourself forward and to challenge your anxiety as I have posted before I completely agree with that and that you should do that but I am still confused as to why you would do it for something like dying your hair.

To me there is a difference to pushing yourself to do things when it is something that really affects your life and something that is done just for vanity etc.

You panic about going about going out, but you have a child at school that you need to pick up etc. then you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone and push yourself more and more to get things done, as it is something you HAVE to conquer to get on in your life… but dying your hair, piercing ears and other vanity related things are a different thing to me.

I am not saying that you always have to take the easy option and not do things if they make you panic, far from it. We all know that to get anywhere in recovering from anxiety then we have to push ourselves to get through things, but still why do things like dying your hair which makes you panic so much when there are other things that make you panic that are far more important in your lives that are more important to conquer beforehand? What’s that phrase? Why run before you can walk?

I also appreciate that some people may have self-esteem issues so feel then need to change their looks etc. to make them feel better in themselves, this is just my personal view (and I can see your point of view too Pip) I know people will have totally different views to me.

18-07-13, 11:57
It actually confuses me as to why people who are scared to dye their hair (anyone not just you Pinky, there are plenty of threads on here like it) actually do it. especially if it makes you panic the way it has.

It is not like dying your hair is a necessity it is done purely for vanity reasons.

sorry just confused. why actively put yourself into the position which you know will make you panic when you don't have to?

Hi Pinky hope you are feeling ok now, :hugs:. I am guilty of posting about hair dye all the time and wonder myself why I put myself through it all. It is a bit of vanity but I have low self esteem and I am convinced that I look rubbish without dyeing my hair. I know this might sound trivial and petty to some people but it is just the way I am. I have always been a bit obsessive about my hair . I understand what you are saying totally in the above post , I do think it is silly to make yourself panicky if there is no reason to, but, I am sure that I am not allergic to hair dye and that I need to break this mental block that I have developed and dye my hair normally like I used to.

18-07-13, 12:11
Hi Pinky hope you are feeling ok now, :hugs:. I am guilty of posting about hair dye all the time and wonder myself why I put myself through it all. It is a bit of vanity but I have low self esteem and I am convinced that I look rubbish without dyeing my hair. I know this might sound trivial and petty to some people but it is just the way I am. I have always been a bit obsessive about my hair . I understand what you are saying totally in the above post , I do think it is silly to make yourself panicky if there is no reason to, but, I am sure that I am not allergic to hair dye and that I need to break this mental block that I have developed and dye my hair normally like I used to.

Thank you :) I was just looking for someone who posts about it to explain it to me.

I dye my hair too but it doesn't make me panic, not sure I would do it if it did......so just wanted the other point of view.

thank you again

18-07-13, 12:32
I too feel awful with roots! I am naturally Blonde but my roots are about 3 inches long and they seriously are no colour known to me. They aren't any shade of Brown yet don't look blonde at the moment and I constantly get asked if I'm growing my hair out.
I am petrified to dye my hair and even had a dream (or nightmare!) last night that I dyed my hair and my face & throat swelled up! It doesn't help that I am on Propranalol and have read that if you were to get a reaction whilst on these drugs it may make your reaction worse than it otherwise would be. I also had an allergy to Penicillin 8 years ago which adds to my fear (it never used to).
It's a nightmare and I hate having to explain to people that I am not growing my bleach out I am merely petrified of dyeing my hair.