View Full Version : Little cloud of doom hanging over head

16-07-13, 01:00
Does anyone else get these massive mood swings that happen within seconds.. I can literally wake up feel ok walk down the stairs sit on sofa then feel really irritable and snappy for no reason within as I say I few seconds... An my moods seem really fragile shall I say at all times like they can easily change in anyway with the slightest trigger good or bad ? They seem especially delicate when I'm not feeling 100% physically tip top. Thoughts people x

16-07-13, 08:27
I haven't really been irritable and snappy but I can relate to the mood swings, mine going to feeling happy then a dark cloud coming over and sitting crying for no reason.

16-07-13, 08:44
Yes. I try to hang in there and remind myself it will pass just as suddenly.

17-07-13, 23:24
Thanks for reply ... It's strange isn't it I woke up in a foul mood an hour later I was ok been quite chirpy all day. Then later on been getting sharp pains in chest now the cloud is back. Feel like I'm on some sick and twisted merry go round! Rang my mate for someone to talk to and started ranting about my childhood amongst other things ! I think I'm an absolute lunatic :-( aswell as destined to die young. Feel really crap x

18-07-13, 22:00
Thanks for reply ... It's strange isn't it I woke up in a foul mood an hour later I was ok been quite chirpy all day. Then later on been getting sharp pains in chest now the cloud is back. Feel like I'm on some sick and twisted merry go round! Rang my mate for someone to talk to and started ranting about my childhood amongst other things ! I think I'm an absolute lunatic :-( aswell as destined to die young. Feel really crap x

Know the feelings, just wanted to say. I suppose we have to try and think that if we were 'normal' and healthy before, we could be again.

18-07-13, 22:43
I get like this too, a tniy thing can trigger me feeling rubbish. I am reading a book on mindfulness and it's really interesting, it suggests that when we have a negative thought, for example we might start thinking that we feel tired or not quite as well as we could, then we start to relate it to other times when we have felt that way and ask ourselves all sorts of questions about it and try to work out what it means and why a before we know where we are, we have got caught in a loop of negative emotions, not just from now but from the past. I probably haven't explained it very well but it made a lot of snese to me. I haven't got much further yet but there are lots of meditations you can do on a free CD so I am hoping that will help me step back from that negative thought cycle.

18-07-13, 23:05
For me, its just a feeling of impending doom which i always get if i have a slight pain around my body somewhere...that and the temperature of the weather at the moment.

I can't control it and i feel afraid about talking about it since people tend to get annoyed with me.

19-07-13, 03:29
I know that I put far to much thought into what to some people is a tiny hardly noticeable physical thing then it gets bigger and bigger to me.. Think I might try something new not sure what yet maybe group therapy and JCRyanDenton I know for an actual fact some people get annoyed with me because they have told me like seriously annoyed to I suppose we would be if someone continuously went on about the same crap every day to you an you still didn't know what they were on about. That's the crux of the matter other people cannot understand how we feel really unless they have experienced this themself they don't get it because their thinking isn't like ours they have 'normal' logic and their brains are firing on all cylinders lol ... But that is the beauty of this site and the nhs because there is a lot of help out there meds, therapys ect ect and this site when your feeling low is a great picker upper because of all like minded people on it. Xx