View Full Version : strange feelings in legs!!!!

16-07-13, 03:49
I been getting these weird feelings in my legs now, mostly on my shins, the muscular part on the right on the middle left.

It feels weird. Its really hard to describe. I really cant think of any description for it but weird, and I don't know why i keep getting this. Its always in the left shin, always. Its kind of like a dull tightness. I dont know its really strange and I have no idea what is it.

Does anyone ever get weird feelings in their legs?

16-07-13, 11:32
People who run or do a lot of walking often have this.

16-07-13, 13:03
I get tht when I run Alot i think it's shin splits or whatever they are called - they all down when I rest myself or do a different type of exercise for a bit x

16-07-13, 13:06
I get this in both legs! Exact same spot..

16-07-13, 17:27
Yes, it has happened to me before. It is called shin splints and a little bit of rest should help you.
A lot of running or walking can cause this and people with high arched feet are prone to this condition.

16-07-13, 20:17
I frequently get aches and weird tingling sensations in my legs

17-07-13, 04:25
could be shin splints? LIke it doesnt hurt. Its so hard to explain I don't know what it is