View Full Version : Strange question/Unreal feelings/Strange thoughts

16-07-13, 05:30
I get panic and anxiety about stuff like my future or life itself. I really don't know how to explain it. It's just so strange for me because my anxiety was strictly social and I was a shy kid growing up but ever since I had my first panic attack I became a severe hypochondriac. I also was familiar with the going crazy, losing control fear. I'm used to these anxieties and these panic attacks. However, there's new things that have started happening such as like, "Who am I?" questions. And, "What is life, What am I, Life is so weird, What are you going to do with yourself.." Just questions like that.. And they really frighten me and make me feel very, very odd and depersonalized. Is this normal anxiety and panic? And has anyone gone through these types of questions? Any advice? I'm 20 years old and I want really want to get past anxiety and get a job, go to college, just get a life going.

16-07-13, 07:10
I get panic attacks thinking about 'what if's. What if the roof collapses in on me, what if thinsg fall from the sky, what if I am diagnosed with inoperable cancer, what if ....

Depersonalization is quite common in anxiety and depresion sufferers. A friend of mine has that issue with her post natal depression.

You aren't alone.

I hope you can find some answers here, have you considered looking for some professional help? Maybe tell your general practitioner whats happening.

Nicola Main
16-07-13, 09:46
I also sometimes think about things like that and it's obviously very horrible. If I start thinking those thoughts I try and focus on what's happening around me at the time. Listen to people who're talking in the room, try and watch the TV and focus on what their doing. Think about jokes in your head and laugh at them. Stuff like that. Hope this helps :)

16-07-13, 12:59
You've posted twice pal :)