View Full Version : Red Spots in stool

16-07-13, 05:34
Couple of weeks ago I had a bowel movement and saw blood in my stool Went to DR She referred me to a specialist He did a digital rectal exam Found him right He put a patch on it idk if its a patch I think he meant rubber band 3 weeks Goes by and I start working out again I see blood in my stool again I have an apartment with my specialists again But I stuck my Finger up there lol and felt a lumpy tissue to the right The tip of my finger has blood on it from Touching A lump But that's not what's scaring me I started to see spots of red Actually in my stool Have not eaten anything red I would Spread the stool a part and I will see some just sitting in the middle of the stool The consistency range from Jell-O like to Toothpaste like Keep trying to convince myself it's not blood because blood don't act like that The only thing I changed in my diet started taking Metamucil For the hemorrhoids And that's when I actually started seeing the red Metamucil I'm taking is orange flavor And I saw chunk of Orange pieces in my stool too I'm thinking it's my body throwing out the extra fiber don't need idk tho The Metamucil is 1 tablespoon three times a day but I'm taking 4 tablespoon at one time Any advice would help thanks.

16-07-13, 11:30
If there's excess then reduce the amount you take in half. As for the blood, is it on the surface of the stool or actually mixed in? Are there black tarry sections of the stool? If sounds like nothing more than a pile from what you've described.

16-07-13, 14:53
It's actually mixed in If I put a glove on break the stool Apart there would be some sitting in the middle I never saw any On the surface of the stool And no tarry looking school Stools look all normal No dark spots too

---------- Post added at 13:53 ---------- Previous post was at 13:33 ----------

And I'm seeing mucus in stool is that normal too

16-07-13, 15:10
That is most likely a sign of internal haemorrhoids although there is a chance it may be an inflammatory bowel disease. This is not something to be alarmed about however (I myself have ulcerative colitis), although I would think the chances are greater that it is related to haemorrhoids. You should speak to your doctor to have further investigations if this continues, or if you suffer other symptoms, such as lower abdominal pain.

16-07-13, 16:42
But if it was blood Wouldn't it be still liquid or a dark color and And if its in the center of the stool It would be mixed in with the stool or absorbed by the stool right ? And I'm thinking about taking a picture to show my doctor is that a good idea ?

16-07-13, 16:49
A sample would be better than a photo as photos don't really show enough detail usually. If what you are describing is blood, then yes it will be liquid, unless it's from a clot which is common in piles when they rupture during a bowel movement. If this happens some bright red liquid blood will often follow after. Blood isn't absorbed by stools however, unless it has gone through the upper intestinal tract, which causes the black tarry type of stool.

16-07-13, 18:06
So okay if it's red spots this not liquid Or tarry its not blood. The spots I see it's Seems like its absorbed by the stool But it also seem like some of them have their own body I'm going to stop taking the Metamucil just to see if this excess Metamucil in my stool