View Full Version : Four R's or ERP?

16-07-13, 11:07
Hi folks,
I just wondered whether anyone had some experience with various therapies and what worked better for you. I've brought Imp of the Mind and Brain Lock which both have very different techniques. ERP seems very harsh to me and to be honest, I think it would make my anxiety 10x worse. However, the 4 R's would require me to effectively avoid going anywhere where there was a sharp knife and say....doing a jigsaw! Sounds fine and dandy to me but it's not going to put food on the table! I've been referred for CBT but I honestly think ERP would probably result in anxiety post-CBT. I've made myself a poster with the 4 R's on it for now which I'm going to (try) start applying from now on. I am pretty good around the home, my notable spikes are in the kitchen or when I'm in the bathroom and alone with my thoughts. They do get me at night but once I get to sleep I'm fine.

On the plus side I did put all the knives up out of reach yesterday, I brought them all back down in the evening! I won't be beaten!

MrsS x