View Full Version : Tired of the Fear of going 'crazy'

16-07-13, 12:47
First i had the fear of having a heart attack - that never happened (obviously), then i had the fear of a brain tumor or something wrong in my brain - that didn't happen, and now it's the fear of going crazy...

I've been to a psychologist and she said it's just anxiety and the chances of me going crazy are just as unlikely as herself going crazy. I have probably had 100 panic attacks over 'going crazy' and it never happened. I have all the anxiety symptoms and i know it's anxiety but my brain just won't stop worrying about it?

With anxiety i have thoughts that pop in my head or that unreal feeling and it makes me fear that i'm going crazy or something is wrong with me. And i start thinking what if i'm schizophrenic (even the word makes me shiver) The more i try to stop thinking about these things - the more i think about it. I'm really frustrated with this because it's limiting my life. I've had a million panic attacks and anxiety symptoms now and nothing ever happened - but still my brain fears it everytime? I have these symptoms almost daily: dizziness, nervous stomach, hot flush, sweaty hands, feeling out of it, reaccuring thoughts, nausea, fear something bad will happen, dry mouth, sweating, grequent urination, fear of losing control, fatigue, yawning.

Sorry if this is a long read. Any advice or reassurance? Anyone relate?

16-07-13, 12:59
Fear of Going crazy is very common with Anx.
How else do we explain all the scary thoughts,feelings we get..
But you won't go crazy, so stop telling yourself that...
You can't make yourself stop the thoughts, the more you try, the more importance you give them and the more they come.
You have to let them come, tell them your not interested in them, they are just false thoughts...lose the fear of them.
The unreal feelings of depersonalisation , derealisation are just symptom of extreme Anx.

19-07-13, 10:31
Thanks Stormsky, you replied to alot of my threads. I really appriciate the reassurance. You're awesome.

22-07-13, 09:31
Hey all. Had really rubbish few days AGAIN - keep thinking im going to seriously hurt my little boy (which breaks my heart & scares me to death!), keep thinking im going to go mad/crazy/loose my mind/loose control and need locking up :(

This is horrendous I cant stand it - I just want to be back to my normal happy bubbly self just like I was before all this kicked off 6 months ago......just want to cry :(

Is it just me going through this hell?????


23-07-13, 11:42
Your not alone, almost everyone on here is suffering in one or another and all of us have many symptoms the same as you , they also limit our lifestyle and make us feel like we are about to be locked up or go insane but I have been having anxiety on and off since I was 13 and I am still frightened of the feelings it brings... You can get through it but don't be afraid to ask for help and reassurance, it really will help xx

Female healthanxiety
27-07-13, 16:30
Hello the script,

I could of write this myself!

Please feel free to PM me