View Full Version : Depreesed For Weeks Thanks To Anxiety

16-07-13, 14:00
I feel like giving up. I just can't cope with the panic and anxiety and have been in bed for just over a week. The only time I left was to go to the Doctors and to drink liquids. I am utterly fed up with no one helping and understanding that I need Diazepam to help with the crippling panic attacks. I was at my Doctor yesterday with more panic attacks and all he prescribed was two 5mg Diazepam, one of which is left, but I am really trying to keep it for a full blown attack, which is likely to happen today. I am just so down because of this. I have no motivation and my partner thinks that I should fill my day and keep busy. How can I do that when I am so depressed I don't feel like doing anything at all. Any advice would be great guys.:shrug:

16-07-13, 16:28
What is your passion? What makes you happy?

Sometimes just doing small things towards something that makes you happy will help, even if it's just a little...

Also - read. Read more about panic & anxiety. Understand it. Once you educate yourself about it, you can do something to fix it. I posted on another post just now - that I read an article once that anxiety is a "gift" - it is a sign from your body telling you to change something that is making you so unhappy.

Do you try any relaxation techniques? I know it's not easy. I've been struggling for so long... but I'm trying.

16-07-13, 17:46
Hi Edward, I would recommend a book called Depressive Illness the curse of the strong.
I know when you are depressed you don't feel like doing much but the more you try to do the better it will be. Just a little walk out. maybe some sort of craft activity. Don't say a panic attack is likely to happen today..if you think like that then it is more likely to happen.

17-07-13, 09:52
Thanks guys.

I love writing, but lately it's been depressive things because of my mood. I will, however, try to write more uplifting things today. I'm up from bed and downstairs on the computer, so that's at least a start. It could be the Xanax, but I feel good this morning.It's so powerful, anxiety, especially to make you stay in bed for weeks. I have never done that before, but was so bad I just couldn't motivate myself. That book seems like a good idea Annie. Thanks for recommending it for me :)

17-07-13, 10:23
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.
I'd love to be able to write - but I always criticize myself too much - worrying what others will think. I've been wrestling with the idea of blogging for two days now, and haven't made any progress! lol
Keep going... it will get better.

17-07-13, 10:27
Hi Ally,

If you are worried about what other people will think then you should keep a private journal where only you can read what you write. Have you ever thought of doing that? That's what I do. I would be terrified to blog.

17-07-13, 13:33
I'm trying to set one up now - but would like to be able to connect with others going through a similar experience. Still keep it anonymous. :)


18-07-13, 13:16
I'm delighted that you are setting one up. Don't worry about what other's think. They are your thoughts and feelings and you are entitled to them. Good luck with the blog :)

18-07-13, 13:35
Yayyyy thank you! :D I'm so excited!

Just some DNS error or something I'm waiting on - and then I'm all set to go.


18-07-13, 13:37
Don't let anything held you back :D :hugs: