View Full Version : Oh gosh... How are fellow HA's feeling with this heat???

Female healthanxiety
16-07-13, 14:43
I feel so uncomfortable, can't even sleep, feel like I cannot get any air!!!

16-07-13, 14:53
I love nice weather but its so hot and close. Going the school run I am literally dropping with sweat, can't breathe and my heart races (sometimes skips). Not good :(

16-07-13, 15:26
I love it.... but not enjoying having to work in it. We have 4 big fans going in our office but it's just blowing hot air around!! Supposed to be in the gym at 5 but might just go home and sit in the garden. I'm so much happier and positive when the sun is shining. Happy days! xx

16-07-13, 15:34
It's freezing here - the whole day I've sat staring at my blue fingernails - freaking me out! :)

We're never happy with what we have, are we. hehe

Hope you feel better. :)

16-07-13, 16:20
Weirdly, I've had problems with heat all my life, even had mild heat exhaustion most of the time when I lived in France. And yet THIS time I am absolutely fine! Could it be the Prozac? I have no idea!!

16-07-13, 16:45
I'm fasting today for Tisha B'av, but I've had advice to drink some fluids anyway. I wouldn't be able to complete the day without some water :weep:

16-07-13, 17:10
Absolutely hate the heat....always have done!...except if on a beach..................I'm a spring and autumn girl :)

16-07-13, 17:11
I drove into the Peak District today and sat with my feet in a river, watching the ducks... :)

16-07-13, 17:20
I drove into the Peak District today and sat with my feet in a river, watching the ducks... :)
Alright for some eh ;)

16-07-13, 18:00
I like this weather but I do have to make an extra effort to make sure I keep my breathing slow otherwise I do feel like I am suffocating. Not enjoying working in it very much but can't remember a summer like this for a while so I'm making the most of it. :)

18-07-13, 08:14
I cannot take the heat very well at all... I've been run down with a bad virus a couple of weeks ago and this heat is just not letting me recover, it feels like. Of course, being HA, I've got lots of ideas in my mind about what is wrong... Just have to keep the fan on and stay away from google!

18-07-13, 17:08
I'm sweating just sitting here. My hands are aching, I feel absolutely drained of energy and no matter how much fluid I drink I still feel thirsty. I know it is a miserable thing to say but I really wish we could have a nice HEAVY storm right now, have the temperature drop to around 20c would be perfect for me.

I'm coping by doing very, very little....... none of the studying I need to do to catch up before university starts again in October and being unemployed I'm not working either. I'm doing anything physical early in the morning before the heat kicks in.

This 3pm - 7pm bit seems the worst to me as my house just gets the sun all afternoon and turns into an oven, even with all the windows and doors wide open (there isn't even a decent breeze here! :( )