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View Full Version : These symps are so hard to take

16-07-13, 14:56
I'm trying to think I'm okay. I'm trying. But I feel so bad whenever I do anything. My heart pounds and I feel faint. My chest feels tight. My vision sometimes goes blurred and I passed out once.

My chest hurts to breathe or just hurts. I get an achey left arm and shoulder and twinges in my chin. I have heartburn all the time. Sometimes I can't keep food down at all and vomit pure acid when my stomach just won't digest anything. I feel like I have a fever but my temperature is often close to hypothermic. I sweat and feel awful if I eat at a normal speed. I have a goitre, raised pancreas and liver enzymes, a cyst in my head and tachycardia every time I stand or walk. I can't take heat. After a few days when my right-eye vision felt shadowed and my head felt like it was going to explode, I apparently lost reflexes and sensation on my right side that still haven't fully come back.

I can't leave the house or even get my own food. Docs think my condition is probably non-fatal and to do with my autonomic nervous system malfunctioning, though I haven't been properly diagnosed yet. I worry cos for my whole life I've gotten weird heart-sounding pains when I run. It's been five months and I'm going crazy. Keeping my body going is a full-time job; I never thought I'd feel this way at 21, and it's making life difficult for the people around me.

I'm just so tired and scared. I want to know what's wrong with me. Every day is such a fight.

Sorry for the rant; it helps to let it out sometimes.

16-07-13, 15:43
I read an article where anxiety was described as being a "gift". It's a sign - your body is saying STOP - something needs to change. And it needs time to heal.

What has to change - only you will know. And I know it's not easy...

You need to find your passion. Something you enjoy. It helps a lot, as well as relaxation methods - do you do any?

16-07-13, 16:11
I read an article where anxiety was described as being a "gift". It's a sign - your body is saying STOP - something needs to change. And it needs time to heal.

What has to change - only you will know. And I know it's not easy...

You need to find your passion. Something you enjoy. It helps a lot, as well as relaxation methods - do you do any?
Good post!

16-07-13, 16:40
fantasticly put:)

16-07-13, 21:02
freaked- sorry you are feeling so bad :hugs:

i can particularly relate to the left-sided aches/sensations

you mentioned you had a goitre?- have you had thyroid tests? have you had thyroid antibodies tested?

there is a site called- stop the thyroid madness- it just sounds like perhaps it could be that?

best wishes, you have my sympathy- it is very frightening - having these symptoms- especially neuro ones

love ccat xxx

17-07-13, 09:13
freaked - sounds awful - what a lot of symptoms you have to put up with!
As you have read, I have been having a lot of symptoms too - I have found that really the only thing that works is to keep busy and take my mind off things - the pains start to ease or I even forget about them. I don't know if that means they aren't there but it's the only thing I can do at the moment!

I have come to the conclusion that sometimes Doctors just don't know and that doesn't mean it isn't serious - probably the opposite! which is good!

17-07-13, 14:36
Thanks for the replies everyone; really needed a good whine yesterday.

Ally-SA, yeah the only thing saving me atm is my writing (I'm a semi-prof author), when I'm well enough for it. Part of what depresses me so much about my condition is I just can't do a lot of the things I want to and used to enjoy. I do try to do some relaxation, and sometimes it helps me mentally at least.

Ccat, sorry you have to deal with aches too. Yeah I have no idea where my thyroid fits into it. Normal TSH and don't have antibody results yet. I might have an autoimmune thing behind everything; my symps started with a bad flu. The docs said they'd probably go away afterwards and then they just...didn't.

Darren1, I'm glad you've found ways to distract yourself. As for my condition, a strong possibility is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome since my problems are mostly to do with being upright (and it has the weird digestive stuff and aches too), which I'm hopefully getting tested for at the end of the month. I know they say not to google symps, but if I hadn't found out about that early on I would have like 80% thought I was dying instead of...30 or 40%. I mentioned it months before any doc did, when i'm the exact right age and gender and it's not even all that rare :-/

Unfortunately I'm running out of anxiety meds which should make life extra difficult, but I suppose I'll have to try to struggle through.

17-07-13, 16:01
Last year I was in commercial property. The year before, I did a course on it, and came 2nd overall in the country. I thought that I was finally going somewhere... going to be something. But being in property was my dad's idea - not my own.

I quit my job last year, and that is when my anxiety and panic became the worst, ever. My vision was blurred. I had de-realisation, and felt dizzy for a long time. Twitches. All kinds of aches and pains...

All those things that you feel will go away in time. I still have really odd twitches and tingles. The body doesn't suddenly just stop reacting to the stress you put it through - it takes time. Don't eat sugar. Limit your caffeine. Try to find some kind of balance. I woke up 2 weeks ago from tachycardia at 4am because I ate something that had sugar, molasses and glucose in the sauce - and I didn't even know.

But this year I've been doing some more design and development (I used to be in the I.T. industry - which I loved) and it's helping me...

Slowly but surely, keep on going - doing the things you really love.

17-07-13, 16:07
I read an article where anxiety was described as being a "gift". It's a sign - your body is saying STOP - something needs to change. And it needs time to heal.

What has to change - only you will know. And I know it's not easy...

You need to find your passion. Something you enjoy. It helps a lot, as well as relaxation methods - do you do any?

Great perspective. Years ago I used to get ovary/stomach pains when I was stressed. Then I learnt to listen to them and I don#t get them any more. Because I rest before I'm at that pitch!

17-07-13, 16:53
Very true Speranza and Ally-SA; I wish I'd known the real dangers of pushing yourself - I mightn't be like this now. My body had given me plenty of warning with random fevers, and an episode after climbing some stairs where my heart took off racing suddenly and I felt like I was going to pass out. But becuase my parents had paid for the flights I went and flew to london the following day, where I got no sleep and lugged my suitcase up big hills. If I'd rested instead, my body probably would have fought off the virus and it mightn't have messed me up so thoroughly. Even when you're young, you need to listen to your body when it's telling you to take it easy.