View Full Version : Someone please help?!

16-07-13, 15:21
Ok basically I'm 16 and I have really severe anxiety! I'm scared of going to the toilet and having a shower incase I have a panic attack and faint! Someone please help it is controlling my life! Im scared of doing everything and I can't take it anymore!!!!

Daisy Sue
16-07-13, 15:55
Hi Arialeesh... have you ever fainted from a panic attack?

Welcome to the forum, by the way :)

16-07-13, 18:12
Yes I was going to ask that Daisy sue, I wonder Areileesh, have u ever actually fainted?

I get to the point where I feel a sense of sheer collapse, it's absolutly horrific BUT to this day I've never fainted never mind collapsed. I've suffered for 2 and half years so???? Today with the heat I got the 'I'm gonna collapse in a minute' adrenaline rush go through my body but...... Still haven't.


16-07-13, 18:27
I havent actually from panic attacks but my brain tells me I will get a really bad panic attack and i will faint. I fainted 2 years ago because I had low iron and the horrible symptoms stayed in my mind. Then the other day I was on the toilet and got the fainting symptoms. Now I have to convince myself to go toilet

Daisy Sue
16-07-13, 19:14
I think you should try and talk yourself calm, if you can do.. the fact that you've never fainted from a panic attack should reassure you that it's just your worry and anxiety making you fear that happening. I know I've had horrendous ones where I'm thinking "I'm going to faint/vomit/die.." but I've been fine.

Just keep on saying to yourself "it's only anxiety - I'm ok, it'll pass" and concentrate on nice deep, slow, belly breaths.. Once you learn you can control, or at least shorten, the panic attack, it helps give you confidence when they happen.

16-07-13, 19:45
Oh so now you associate the symptoms with going to the toilet.

Bless you Hun, the good news as Daisey said - you've never actually fainted from a panic attack. So with this in mind persevere, it will pass I've had exactly the same and once flapped in blind panic when water went over my face in the shower & I couldn't see because of soap but my mind automatically thought - migraine. I nearly killed myself slipping out the bath. BUT when calmed down I was fine. Try putting lavender or Yankee candles in the bath room to relax you, head phones/ music, may help & I know it's not always great but leave the door ajar.

Takecare this will get better

16-07-13, 21:25
I was told that you cant faint during a panic attack as you usually hyperventilate meaning you have to much oxygen in your blood and you faint if you don't have enough oxygen in your body so I would think it is very unlikely to faint and this is what I tell myself if I feel like im going to faint but it isn't nice feeling like you are going to is it you have visions of passing out and hitting your head etc

frosty xx