View Full Version : can anyone help dealing with work problems

16-07-13, 16:35
hi all. ive just handed my notice in at work and have been given an awful time. i work for 2 people that run the company and they are not happy that ive decided to leave as they describe it 'ive left them in the lurch'. i gave them a weeks notice which is the legal requirement. they atmosphere is dreadful and im having to work extremely hard, which is ok as im a hard worker, but the tense atmosphere is killing me. today i was so stressed that i had to come home. they were angry and told me to 'just go'. this has compounded my stress and am scared about going in for my final day tomorrow. any advice would be of great help to me

16-07-13, 18:19
Put a front on, all be it an act & be very professional , providing you've done the right thing & you've dealt with the leaving process appropriately - hold your head up & just think come this time tomorrow I won't ever see you again and I don't owe you anything BYE.

Good luck

16-07-13, 18:49
I agree with Col. You've got one day left so just grit your teeth and get through it the best you can. They're not being very professional in how they're behaving but you can rise above it and show them how it's done.

Most of us move on at some point (I bet they've left jobs in the past) so I really can't see the point in getting annoyed about it.

Good luck in your new job - you'll be having a great time whilst your ex-colleagues are working away in the lurch with faces like a wet weekend :D


16-07-13, 18:51
Nick, it's your right to resign and move on- I know it must be hell I'm sure we've all worked in these situations from time to time. Employers will have that attitude I think especially in my experience small companies but they should flipping well suck it up and be grateful for the time and effort you've given them and wish you well when you move on. I had a manager who wouldn't speak to me for the duration of the 4 weeks when I handed my notice in yet on my last day she was in tears and praising me- very surreal situation.

Fab advice from Col and Pip above, this time tomorrow or just think by next week it'll be over and you'll be moving on to something good I hope. Take care

16-07-13, 19:03
Thank you so much col, pipkin and daisydaisy, your comments have helped me so much.

16-07-13, 19:39
Ahh feel good when I can help someone , glad we've helped you , takecare:winks:

16-07-13, 21:14
Just think of it this way - the dafter they are, the more it proves you made the right decision. You can do it, one more day of them being unpleasant is nothing compared with the thrill of escape. Try to pity them (inside, of course! LOL)

16-07-13, 21:32
Thanks speranza. I am really nervous about tomorrow.

16-07-13, 21:44
It's just 7 or 8 hours of your life, and then it will be over.

16-07-13, 23:03
hold your head
high at least you give notice a lot of people don't bother
they are trying to get a reaction from you
just count down the hours a bit at a time

hope you have a good last day

frosty xx

17-07-13, 08:11
Thanks frosty. well today is my last day and i am absolutley petrified.

17-07-13, 10:50
there is nothing worse than dealing with work related hassle ..........take it from someone who handed their notice in 2 months ago and is now going self employed ..............it will make you poorly if you carry on trying too hard without any respite

My only advise is to do what you feel is right .yes it's a tough world out there but as you suffer you are tough so bingo one problem solved

take a well earned break ........... look at your options and don't be afraid there really is no need

good luck and if you need any moral support pm me mikey x

17-07-13, 12:33
Thanks mikey that means allot

---------- Post added at 11:33 ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 ----------

Ive got 4 and 1/2 hours left am really hoping i can make it till 5pm!! The atmosphere is dreadful and i can feel panic wondering what negativity they will say to me next!