View Full Version : Acupunture yesterday

Mr m anxious
16-07-13, 20:16
Hi all
I said I'd let you know how my acupunture went, well I'm very sore today not because of the needles but the message I had afterwards. My god I feel like I've been beaten up lol.. He cracked my neck both ways, put his knee in my back whilst bending my shoulders back, cracked both my arms whilst twisting them behind my head and the the message felt like his thumbs was going to burst through my shoulders / neck into my insides...lol. Anyway I do feel better but just bruised now just seven more sessions to go. Oh and he has diagnosed me with a trapped nerve on C7 which is the spine lump you feel just below the back of your neck. Well it's taken 7 months to finally get to the bottom of my issues. I feel confident this chinese doctor will sort me out because he has done wonders on a woman I know who has ME. This woman could barely move or lift her arm before she went to my doctor and know she has been on holiday and painted the whole of her house! So I should be an easy fix compared.

16-07-13, 20:30
Hi Mr anxious

Thank you for updating us on how you got on. At last you have some sort of diagnosis - that's great. :)
Sorry you are a bit sore - I find epsom salt baths quite soothing for muscles.

I am awaiting results for nerve test on my arm but funnily ennough the lady who was doing it said to me- you know the problem might actully be related to your neck.

I am still getting really bad anxiety about my arm- dr has upped my dose of sertrsaline from 50-100:scared15:
My friend tried to massage me and she said my shoulders were very tense and my neck "needed lengthening"?

anyway- all the best with everything, please let us know if it continues to help, best wishes, Ccat xx

Mr m anxious
16-07-13, 20:46
Thanks for reply ccat, yes the doctor said its common to have trapped nerve in the neck and depending on which side of the spine it's at will cause you all sorts of nerve issues on either left or right side.
Hope your results Come back good and let me know how you get on.

16-07-13, 20:51
It sounds more like you have been to a torture chamber than for a massage :D

Mr m anxious
16-07-13, 22:02
Yeah annie it felt like it too lol, sure in the long run it'll do me good, roll on next Monday for my second beating.

16-07-13, 22:05
As the saying goes 'no pain, no gain' I go for physio and that can be quite painful too.

Mr m anxious
16-07-13, 22:12
Or the other saying "wherever there's pain there's pleasure" :yesyes:

17-07-13, 08:42
Mr m,

Sounds like you are making great progress :)

I am still waiting for my neurologist appt, but my GP has mentioned the C7 in my neck, so maybe I will get the same diagnosis. I had acupuncture for 6 sessions a while ago, and it was helpful at the time.

Amitriptyline is working wonders for my pain for now, so life a lot easier. Still get the odd bad day, but nothing like as bad as it was.

Good luck with the rest of your sessions and keep us updated mate.
