View Full Version : Terrible panic relapse. Or something else?

16-07-13, 22:29
Terrible relapse. Or something else?

Running late yesterday I ate one egg and some cereal for breakfast -- I figured that was something, but I don't know if it was enough. That was at about 7am.

I then had a hot chocolate at a cafe at 9am.

I went with my mother to her eye appointment and started feeling sick, bored and anxious waiting in the shop because she was taking a lot longer than I thought. So I went back to the car and waited there another 40 minutes. It was hot and I was probably getting worked up wondering how much longer she'd be.

The anxious feeling made me wonder what was causing it so I started freaking out that it was my blood sugar and I needed to eat. Then I started to feel weak and told myself if I went back into the shopping centre to buy food, I would faint. With that thought, my legs felt really weak. But I very quickly walked back inside and began freaking out that I couldn't buy food because I thought I would definitely faint.

I hurried back to the eye place where my mum still was and I felt a bit of relief that I was with her, now. But the shaky horrible panicky feeling didn't go away, it got even worse when I sat down (due to the adrenaline coursing through my body?) I started crying out in the shop that I needed food and as I did that, it felt like my legs wanted to give out, I started pacing, and there was a tight feeling in my head and I was crying "I don't know what's happening.". I was shaking so much I couldn't put the chocolate I was given in my mouth but I felt somewhat better when I finally did shove it in. The woman said colour had come back into my face.

But the weak shaky adrenaline running through my body feeling took an hour to settle down and then I was just really tired...but relaxed.

Did I have a panic attack!? There was no racing heart. I often get limited symptom attacks like a tight throat, the urge to run away, sudden faint feeling, but this was the worst I've had in years.

16-07-13, 22:34
Sounds like a panic attack. Why didn't you think you'd had enough for breakfast? It sounds fine.

16-07-13, 22:47
I think I was just feeling anxious and the anxiety had to attach itself to something. The more I thought about not eating the more I felt panicky and out of control. I've had 3 of these "NEED FOOD NOW" panic attacks. I would think its legitimate blood sugar problems but I assume they'd happen more often if it was, and that I would faint. Not just have the sensation of it --- that's why it FELT more like panic. But I've had the panic attack with the dizziness and racing heart and I don't understand why I get the dizziness every time but not the racing heart. This time I got a tight feeling in my forehead.