View Full Version : Hi there :)

17-07-13, 00:25
Hallooo :flowers:
Well... I won't tell you my real name. You can call me by my nickname... it's random, i think it was the name of a water fairy in the greek mythology. I have no imagination when it comes to nicknames, i suppose. :blush: I live in Athens. I have just finished school and i'm really excited 'cause i'll soon go to university.
I don't sound very anxious, do i? :shrug:
(I'm sorry if i use the word "i" too much, or for every other funny expression of mine, my english isn't the best.)
Well, i've been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (my therapist didn't mention what, but i think it's a combination of all of them, together :wacko:), since last month, when a general tension, along with some specific phobias "exploded" into several panic attacks and a sudden feeling of depression. I was even afraid to go to the bathroom alone for two days. :huh:
I've been experiencing severe phobias of going insane, of epilepsy, of losing my memory (this one i have right now and it sucks :weep:) ect as well as "silly ones" like those of hight or wide empty spaces. I've been having panick attacks, feeling of pressure on my forehead, stomach aches, dizziness, something like mini-blackouts (?), chocking feeling... I've been making uncontrollable, VERY paranoid thoughts that i actually doubted that weren't true. :ohmy:
Suddenly, i seem like a miserable person. :roflmao:
I'm not.
I love the sea, the social sciences, history and philosophy, my silly boyfriend... I have a pretty normal life. My friends would describe me as carefree and even emotionless sometimes, oh the irony. :whistles: Maybe my anxiety stops me from worrying for everyday things by making me focus in important stuff like "i will lose my mind, and die. Die in a really creepy way". -.-
Anyway, i decided to join the forum in a desperate need of talking (you have probably understood that by the length of the post :blush:)
My therapist said that there is something wrong about my life that makes me anxious. I have to find it. That's why she doesn't give me meds, she sais i actually don't need them (only in the beginning i took xanax for some days, it made a difference but soon i stopped it). Talking feels like it puts my thoughts in order.
Now i'm worried bexause i can't see her. I'm on vacation and i will see her again in about 2 months... :lac:
Aaaaaanyway, thanks for reading, nice to meet you again. :hugs:

---------- Post added at 02:25 ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 ----------

did i mention derealisation and depersonalisation? had both. hated them, of course :mad:

17-07-13, 01:16
Hello & :welcome:

17-07-13, 13:29
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

17-07-13, 13:39
Hi! :welcome: