View Full Version : Teeth / Jaw Clench + Headache

17-07-13, 00:47
Anyone notice they clench their teeth / jaw a lot? I know I grind my teeth in my sleep really badly apparently.

I have been getting mild headaches in the lower back of my head, I am presuming because of this teeth / jaw clench?

Anyone got a good way of stopping it?


17-07-13, 01:05
Yes...lol...I do this a lot, have even broken 2 wisdom teeth in the process and had to have them removed!!

See your dentist, you can get a mouthguard made up to wear at night, but my dentist said I may not need one as the rest of my teeth are fairly flat.

I also get the jaw pain and headaches, not sure you can stop it, is generally caused by stress/anxiety or can be side effects from meds, but you can take pain killers to help you.

All the best, I hope you don't break any teeth :doh: Kitti

17-07-13, 13:41
I hated my mouthguard - I used to grind it onto my teeth!! :ohmy:

There is a great exercise which I found incredibly helpful. Open your mouth wide (like a yawn) and roll your tongue back so the underneath of the tip is touching the roof of your mouth as far back as you can comfortably get (don't strain). Hold it for a few seconds, repeat whenever you think of it. It deals with the sore jaw muscles. I don't think I grind my teeth any more. (The cat hasn't said anything, anyway!)