View Full Version : First time health anxiety so sick of this please help me get my life back!!!!,

17-07-13, 02:02
Hey guys!

This is gunna be super long but hopefully some of you can relate and help me out!

My name is cody I am 20 years old I love lifting weights and working out. I get irregular heartbeats or pvcs all day usually more when I am stressed or taking caffeine. I was taking suppliments like testerone booster and creatine as well as caffeine and nitric oxide when I lift. I was 6 foot 230 at my biggest lifting.

On June 5th at 930pm the room started to spin and my life hasn't been the same. I have never passed out or anything so this was so weird I was just sitting on the couch on my iPad and the room started to spin I thought I was dieing I got super hot my heart was racing and I layed down and drank some water and eventually it passed but I was so shaken. My blood pressure was 200 over 90 and I was freaking out over that for a couple days! I thought I was gunna stroke out and die. We thought it was just anxiety that caused that and it did drop to 150 over 90 and that was still high so I decided to lose some mass and lose weight.

Everyday though I would get these symptoms I couldn't get that night out of my head what made the room spin and almost made me pass oUt? I thought of brain tumor, heart attack (i had EKG holter monitor and ultrasound about 2 years ago to diagnose my pvcs everything was fine). I thought of vertigo or my wisdom teeth.i really settled on the caffeine and supplements stimulating my heart making me feel that way as the answer. Everyday though Id get dizzy spells like I was unbalanced. I feel it's difficult to breath sometimes and I get a lump in the bottom of my throat.i start to yawn and get boogers in my throat and nose and it just doesn't stop! I finally had a full blown panic attack and decided to go to the docs. I layed on my moms bed thought I was dieing I was so hot and felt so loopy.

I went to the docs and he didn't even seem worried about that one night I still worry about. I had high bp I was freaking out 174 over 90 so I was put on high blood pressure meds.mi didn't wanna take anxiety meds I wanted to fight this myself.

Wellllllll that hasn't worked I have ups and downs throughout the day. I sleep like a freaking baby and then the day starts. I get so many mood swings its crazy like cody your fine and I'm happy and my funny self. But thrn i think the symptoms are bound to come back. Then I get symptoms like tired, dizzy, unbalanced, difficulty breathing, feeling like I'm gunna pass out at any second and that petrifies me. It's been almost a month and a half and everyday is a battle! I'm scared to sit in the spot I sat in on the couch that one night in fear of passing out again. It's like r anxiety comes out of nowhere one minute I'm fine the next I feel like I have a disease and gunna die. Another symptom I get is unbalanced and I catch myself and I feel like I get a rush of energy or adrenaline through my hands it is so weird and I just want my life back! I have lost weight I am 216 now and my Bp has dropped but my anxiety has not. Does this sound like anxiety? I no I don't have a brain tumor and I don't think my heart would change in 2 years and start making me feel like this.

Pease guys help me out I just need someone to help me and talk to and day by day I wanna fight this and slowly get back to enjoying a full 24 hours of day not off and on. This is gunna sound inappropriate but during sex it's never on my mind I feel great but then after it comes back like a freight train!

Pease guys help :weep:

17-07-13, 06:18
had you been on the ipad long!? my daughter is 12 and she spends only about 20 minutes on hers and she gets sick dizzy and gets a migraine. Dr said its because the screens on the ipad are quite bright x

17-07-13, 08:18
Hi Cody,
Several times over the years I have experienced dizzy spells like the one you describe when I look up from focusing intensely on a screen or book. It's not something I've really thought about that much until reading your post as it has happened to me a number of times and usually lasts a few seconds but if you respond to it by panic, which is totally understandable if it's never happened to you before, then that would worsen the dizziness and explain the racing heart. I have no idea what causes this but it isn't anything serious or I'd be long dead by now! I think it must be something to do with your eye or neck muscles suddenly having to adjust rapidly after focusing intensely on one thing. I think that this has started an anxiety cycle for you which you're now finding hard to break. If you can accept that the original incident was nothing serious and that everything that has happened since is an anxiety response than that will help with your recovery.

17-07-13, 12:47
I did not even think about my eyes or neck I just thought worst case like something is wrong with my brain or heart. It's just everyday I sleep like a baby and then I wake up and it's just like I expect the anxiety today. I accept that I do not believe I am sick or have any type of disease but once those symptoms kick in like unbalanced dizziness lump in throat and fatigue and tingling in hands my mind goes into what's wrong with me! Is so hard overcome I don't worry about anything usually I'm a fun sometimes too carefree guy but this has completely engulfed me maybe because it was the first real health scare in my life. Having the room spin randomly and heart beat out of your chest and having your body temp rise sky high is truly scary!

17-07-13, 23:03
I've been there and I understand how you feel. At one point in my early twenties, my anxiety was so bad that I was having awful panic attacks every day - couldn't eat, lost so much weight I looked like a corpse, woke up every day with my heart racing, felt exhausted and really really physically ill all the time, it even affected my vision which went all blurry during a panic attack. I ached all over. My heart was constantly racing, it was awful. But I recovered from that and although I have had anxiety on and off most of my life, Ihave never gone back to that dark place of my first full blown run in with anxiety.
I had to use medication as well as counselling to recover but you can get better and get your life back. Hang in there. Do you have a good support network? It makes so much difference.

17-07-13, 23:32
Hi Cody after going through loads of doctors an therapists my understanding is this about anxiety... Once you have experienced a panic attack or anxiety your body is on high alert for it an will mimic the symptoms again and again. I'm not sure what your 1st attack was but I think after that ur body had been on red alert an mimicked what happened to you obviously this causes massive anxiety an in turn the anxiety can cause the most ridiculously huge amount of physical symptoms which once again freak u out and make u panic it's one horrible roundabout ! You should go to your doctors an have the full physical check which will reassure u and ask for therapy like cbt or whatever the doctor thinks best for you don't worry I'm sure this is just a nasty little blip in your life ... And for the record I don't think many of us think about the anxiety during sex ! The act tends to occupy your mind lol x

18-07-13, 03:35
Haha thanks guys for all your response and yeah if our mind could be on sex all the time we would never panic haha. Today I had a great day whenever I get the symptoms I say it's just anxiety and it will pass and it seems to work. My heart really doesn't race I've only had one full blown attack and yeah my heart was going crazy I just worry and the fear builds and builds and the symptoms get worse and worse until your mind literally thinks you have to be dieing of something and it's just a vicious cycle I sometimes don't wanna be around people fearing I'll just faint and scare everyone do some of you guys not have racing heartbeats?

Time will heal us all we have moods where we are perfect and our normal selves then we havE the symptoms and think we are I'll but time heals everything and no one should feel alone this is a great place to talk to others!

19-07-13, 16:41
Hey guys do any of you get like short dizzy zaps like 2 to 3 seconds and then a rush of tingles through your hands that last like a couple seconds? I get them randomly so weird

20-07-13, 19:39
Cody, what you have is a fear of fear. This is understandable, because what you experienced was really scary - you're afraid of it happening again. And the more afraid you are, the more likely it is to happen again (or other anxiety symptoms).

The best thing you can do is tell yourself that fear is just fear. It's not going to hurt you or cause anything in that moment to happen. It's unpleasant, but it is just a feeling. And feelings pass, and it will pass too.

As for the high blood pressure, my guess is that you don't have that. My mum recently kept getting high blood pressure of 174 over something, but her doctor thought she might have 'white coat syndrome' - where her anxiety over going to the doctor caused the raised blood pressure. So they gave her a device to wear all day which would keep taking her blood pressure at regular intervals. They then worked out her average blood pressure and it was only 115 or something. So my suggestion, before you go putting more drugs into yourself for high blood pressure (which could actually cause some of the symptoms you are now experiencing, if you don't in fact have high blood pressure!) is to request this from your doctor - a 24hr blood pressure testing device (don't ask me what it was called).

As for what you experienced, my bet would be that it's the supplements you were taking. I watched a documentary once about supplements and they could cause all kinds of side effects like those you mention. It could be that, and/or perhaps you were dehydrated or hot. Then you got scared about what was happening too…

20-07-13, 20:11
Hi Cody after going through loads of doctors an therapists my understanding is this about anxiety... Once you have experienced a panic attack or anxiety your body is on high alert for it an will mimic the symptoms again and again. I'm not sure what your 1st attack was but I think after that ur body had been on red alert an mimicked what happened to you obviously this causes massive anxiety an in turn the anxiety can cause the most ridiculously huge amount of physical symptoms which once again freak u out and make u panic it's one horrible roundabout ! You should go to your doctors an have the full physical check which will reassure u and ask for therapy like cbt or whatever the doctor thinks best for you don't worry I'm sure this is just a nasty little blip in your life ... And for the record I don't think many of us think about the anxiety during sex ! The act tends to occupy your mind lol x

I agree with all of the above!!!! You are in the Health Anxiety Vicious Circle.....you Fear "The Fear"....you will be OK:)

---------- Post added at 20:11 ---------- Previous post was at 20:08 ----------

Oh! You could try a little Mindfulness....I find it very useful and it's the new "big thing" in the UK:)