View Full Version : Forgot to share this with you all..!

12-10-06, 11:16
Hi all,

My wife reminded me of something last night what the doctor told us, which I forgot to share with you all.

Last time I visited the doctor, my wife asked the doctor a question "how common is health anxiety?".
I sat there and thought to myself, what a good question that was, I have never asked that him that.

My doctor replied "1 in 4 people in the doctors surgery wating room suffer from anxiety in some form or another".

I was pretty shocked by this as I thought I was the one and only person who suffered from health anxiety to visit my doctors surgery.
It just goes to show that we are not so unique after all. Some people might not be interested in this thread (sorry for putting it on) but
I thought I would share it with you all, just to show that we are not the only ones who run to to the doctors suffering with symtoms because
of our health anxiety and not to feel ashamed to why we visit our doctor, he sees it everyday.


12-10-06, 13:51
hi red,

thats good to know, i often sit in the doctors and wonder what other people are there for and wonder if they have the same horrible symptoms as me, well it just goes to show how common this health anxiety is, just wish they knoew the cure for it lol,

take care


12-10-06, 14:30
Hi Red,

I agree with Ruth it's nice to know we aren't the only ones.

Take Care


12-10-06, 14:52
Hi Red that is nice to know.I never knew so many people had anxiety problems until coming on this forum.;):);)

Ellen XX