View Full Version : Diarrhea caused by anxiety!! Every morning!

17-07-13, 09:11
Hello I've joined this forum to see if anyone has experienced problems like I'm having now!
About 3 years ago I started suffering from anxiety and used to feel dizzy in public and would have to leave shops while doing my shopping because I thought I would pass out, I was also really paranoid and thought people were laughing at me and thought I was different to people and ugly and thought that this was what people were thinking, anyway I had counselling weekly for a year and my anxiety has completely gone I've even gone on to do modelling which shows how much my confidence has grown since having counselling!
So... One day I was walking to work and I needed the toilet (this was the most embarrassing moment of my life) I felt really faint and couldn't see straight and went boiling hot and the next thing I know I've pooed myself (oh the shame!) ..
I walked back home and ever since that day it takes me 40 minutes to leave the house because I'm terrified of it happening again , I get diarrhea every morning that I have to leave the house but if its my day off and I'm staying home then it doesn't happen.
At work I constantly panic that I will have diarrhea I get so embarrassed and panic if I even fueel a twinge in my stomach , this has taken over my life and I've been in this situation for 2 years now,

Thanks for reading my mortifying story I haven't told anyone before so hopefully someone can shed some light ,,, x

17-07-13, 09:29
Hi I also have this problem if I have got to go out and I'm really anxious about it I have diarrhoea, it's a pain as I then worry even more about leaving the house. Again same as you I am fine days I don't to go out.:hugs:

17-07-13, 14:34
It's so annoying isn't it, my anxiety about needing the toilet when I leave the house actually makes me need the toilet !!! Vicious circle x

17-07-13, 15:45
Same here!!! I get it most days whether i go out or not! Even if i'm staying at home all day it happens, usually after i've eaten, the anxiety of thinking its going to happen, actually makes it happen :(

I am emetophobic too which makes it worse because i get anxious, have the runs and then get anxious in case i'm getting poorly and it happens on a daily basis, i cannot sleep at night and constantly have tummy ache because i'm fearing it... horrible cycle to be in.

17-07-13, 15:51
Same here!!

17-07-13, 16:37
I think the thing you need to take hold of, mentally, is that it's just poop. It's a common response to anxiety, and nothing to be ashamed of. You need to disarm the fear of the poop. The reason why you don't poo on your day off is because you're not afraid of pooing. You know you have a toilet to run to if need be. My sister has a similar issue.

I'm sure the people around you don't even remember the time you pooped yourself. My sister, Helen, could tell you some real stories about accidents she's had passing good ol' number twos of varying consistencies. It happens to everybody, absolutely everybody, and it's okay. You clean it up and you get on with your day.

Why not make sure you have a change of clothes in your car or in your bag, just in case, just for a little while? You need to find a way to challenge this fear, to show yourself that diarrhoea isn't an inevitability.

I hope you can find the way to settle your stomach in a way that is practicable for you. Good luck!

17-07-13, 18:45
Thing is I was on my own when I happened so no one even saw but it traumatised me! It annoys me so much that something so silly as being scared to poop is ruling my life lol thanks for your message though it is very true EVERYONE does it but I have a bad stomach even on the mornings when I'm not anxious, recently I went to spain and hired a car to go to the beach and I constantly thought I needed the toilet and was searching the beach for a toilet but when I realised there wasn't one I drove back to the apartment much to the annoyance of my boyfriend and this happened every day! Thing is though when I got back to the apartment my symptoms disappeared! So annoying! I've bought some yarrow drops today from a herbal shop apparently these help so il give them a go! Xx

12-08-14, 18:16
I've been getting diarrhea every morning since the day I found out my ex boyfriend (the love of my life) had a new girlfriend. I'd wake up from a stomach ache, go to the bathroom and be there for close to twenty minutes. I was dizzy and almost threw up several times. I'm finally over the nausea and dizziness!

12-08-14, 18:20
I get this all the time too when I have to leave the house for anything. I have to know that there are toilets en-route to my destination that I can stop at if i need to. For me, it's part and parcel of my anxiety and it's something I've dealt with since a small child. It's so annoying!

12-08-14, 18:26
Although some may not admit to it, everyone has had an episode like that in their lives. If they don't admit it, then they're in denial or just don't remember wearing diapers ;)

How many have "Sharted"? Hmmm?

Sounds like you've gotten into a pattern of stress and worry which causes loose stools because of your experience. Thatr along with some other events causing you stress and there you go....literally!

When I was younger (20's) I had some issues with an overactive digestive system and had to carry TP with me in the car just in case. And believe me, I've had to do an emergency stop, run into the woods and take care of business. Not pleasant but it happened.

Talk to your GP about something to help regulate things. I remember having a prescription for Lomotil. On top of stress and anxiety, diet could have something to do with it.

Positive thoughts

13-08-14, 10:25
Have you seen your GP about your problem?

13-08-14, 22:53
I used to suffer with this exact same problem but not anymore. Every morning before work, I'd be getting serious anxiety about having an accident in work in front of customers (I worked in customer service at a supermarket and the toilet was all the way at the back of the shop). So, I'd make it worse for myself by taking a couple of Imodium before going to work nearly everyday. As a result, I'd end up getting really constipated which would ultimately lead to more diarrhoea and accidents. This lasted about a year and one day, I had enough! I decided to put a plan in action to help me combat my fear.

1) I stopped taking Imodium, but I carried some with me instead. If the need to have diarrhoea came to me, I'd take ONE instead of two.
2) In my bag, I carried with me some spare underwear and some toilet paper. If accidents ever did occur, I felt prepared for them.

Because of these simple things, I felt more relaxed. Like I had taken back some control. This lowered my anxiety and thus, helped stop (or reduce) the urges to go to the toilet.
However, the most important thing I did was....

I stopped caring! I stopped caring about what others might think of me if I did have an accident. Everyone has been through it at least once in their life! I stopped caring and decided if it were to happen, I'd laugh it off and move on! I'm only human and I have accidents, it's human nature sometimes! It's not the end of the world, just clean yourself up and move on! Any understanding friend/family/stranger will be supportive. Anyone who mistreats you for it doesn't deserve you in the first place and is childish!

Now, I no longer feel the need to always have spare underwear and toilet paper on me. Admittedly, I do still carry Imodium, but I use it maybe once every few months for when I genuinely am poorly! I'm far more regular (nearly everyday without fail) and more often than not, I willingly go to the toilet at my new work. I started with a fear of public toilets and caring about someone knowing what I was doing. Now, I don't care anymore so I go when nature calls and I feel better for it. More relaxed and much more happy! I'm sure you will, too, one day! :) Just stay positive!

16-08-14, 18:31
I know exactly how you guys feel.

I was driving to work and had really bad stomach cramps and needed to go to the toilet i guess as its so unnatural and we are always thought after nappies to use the toilet. I suffer from panic attacks anyway but things were going so well and then this and now i am back to square one.

I have major diarrhoea before i get in the car to go anywhere.

08-12-14, 21:05
This is my main problem. It's been going on for so long now I don't even remember when it started. I'm so scared of going to new places if I don't know if they'll be a toilet there. The anxiety gives me diarrhea which then, in my mind, justifies my worry! Being in a car with anyone other than my husband is also a big worry. I went on holiday this year to see my sister and I was so traumatised by constantly needing the toilet when we were out. One time I had to ask her to stop 4 times in one car journey. It was humiliating. My parents are planning a family trip next year and I'm already panicking about the facilities that may or may not be available on the trip. It's ruling my life and I don't know how to stop it. If anyone is suffering from anything similar or has managed to get over this I'd love to hear from them. X

22-01-15, 16:44
Although some may not admit to it, everyone has had an episode like that in their lives. If they don't admit it, then they're in denial or just don't remember wearing diapers ;)

How many have "Sharted"? Hmmm?

Sounds like you've gotten into a pattern of stress and worry which causes loose stools because of your experience. Thatr along with some other events causing you stress and there you go....literally!

When I was younger (20's) I had some issues with an overactive digestive system and had to carry TP with me in the car just in case. And believe me, I've had to do an emergency stop, run into the woods and take care of business. Not pleasant but it happened.

Talk to your GP about something to help regulate things. I remember having a prescription for Lomotil. On top of stress and anxiety, diet could have something to do with it.

Positive thoughts

I have also had these thoughts and still do from time to time and their you go, and FMP i've (sharted) i hold my hands up , who hasn't at some point.

---------- Post added at 16:44 ---------- Previous post was at 16:40 ----------

I was prescribed Loperamide 2mg when this was going on it done the trick.