View Full Version : Hi, I'm Renee

17-07-13, 09:42

I've just joined up on here, I had googled a few things over the last week and it had taken me to some links to this forum which looked like a great support network and a great place for advice.
Over the last week, twice I have had experiences which I thought may have been leading up to a heart attack but on further investigating I seemed to be suffering from anxiety attacks.
I'm 27, but have had depression from probably a child and also anxiety which has gotten worse as time goes on. I like to think of myself as strong so although I have known that I have needed help for a long time it took me until yesterday to seek that help.
I am now taking Fluoxetine 20mg, one capsule per day. I'm a bit scared of the side effects that could happen to me which is why I felt it was important to have a place like this to talk to other people in the same position as me.
I'm looking forward to being a different, happier person.
(hope this isn't too much info, I should really have read what other people posted first )

17-07-13, 13:24
Hi, that's exactly why I joined last month. So far the Fluoxetine hasn't been bad. It knocked me out for a few days, then I got horrible headaches but I talked myself through them and they didn't last long. After a month, I think it is beginning to kick in.


17-07-13, 15:13
Hello and welcome it is nice to know a bit about you.
I haven't been a member here very long. Have found it a great support.
Hope you do too.

17-07-13, 18:32
Hello & :welcome:

I know you will find it reassuring and a great comfort being here.

All the best with your medication. Kitti :)

17-07-13, 19:34
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

Like you, I've also had anxiety since childhood (on and off, not constantly!), but it was only last year that I had the courage to seek help. Strength means knowing when it's time to ask for help. :)