View Full Version : Dentist!

17-07-13, 12:47
So I've finally found a dentist that is taking on patients and I have the number in front of me...... but I can't call to make an appointment. My tummy is churning. I wouldn't say I was petrified of dentists but I don't like them and will do anything to avoid them. When I was a kid I had alot of work done and also surgery and I've avoided them ever since. For someone who hasn't been in a LONG time, my teeth are in fairly good condition but a temp filling I had done a year ago (emergency) has come out and I have a huge hole! I also had partial root canal work done at the same time which needs finishing. I keep saying I'll phone in a minute... but I haven't! I'm 39 years old for gods sake - not 9! Need to pluck up some courage! Rant over! xxx

17-07-13, 12:51
Hey - you CAN do this. And you can tell them you are a nervous patient., Dentists are wonderful these days. Let me know when you've phoned! x

17-07-13, 13:06
Thanks Speranza - I've actually decided I'm going to go down in person when I finish work to register. That way I can get a feel for the place and when I do get my appointment I won't (hopefully) feel so nervous. That's the plan anyway! I hate anything clinical. I'm the same with opticians & doctors! Avoid at all costs! xx

17-07-13, 14:15
Good luck! I prefer to do this kind of thing in person as well. I recently went to the dentist for the first time in 13 years. I was terrified but it went just fine. Do tell the dentist about being anxious, they can't help if they don't know they need to!

17-07-13, 14:41
Thanks Edie. I think it's been longer for me. I had to get an emergency appointment last year because I was in so much pain but that was the first in....... I can't even remember when! I was nervous then but once I was in the chair I was fine. Because the pain went away, I chose to ignore it after that when infact I should have got an appointment to finish the treatment. That's backfired on me now :wacko:! I think I'm more afraid of being told off for not going regularly. I feel like a big kid! xx

17-07-13, 15:01

You can do this. tell the dentist receptionist you are a nervous, when you do get to meet the dentist also tell him or her you are nervous, my current dentist keeps me calm and tell me what their are doing, asked me if I am okay etc.

I go to dentist for my check ups every three months, since I got a difficult mouth to keep clean. over the years I have had to have appointments in between because I broke a filling, I saw a line on my gum was worried this turned out to be my root canal but for these appointments I went to the trouble of going down in person than making a phone call.

18-07-13, 12:02
Hi, I'm feeling exactly the same right now but my appointment is in 30mins! I am petrified! I've been up early this morning with a funny tummy and I haven't been able to sit still all morning! Horrible! Just remember lots of people are frightened of the dentist, it's quite normal. Make sure you look for a good dentist who is understanding of anxious patients, good luck x

18-07-13, 12:17
Hey, you will be fine! Only a few minutes more now... then it will be over!

18-07-13, 12:59
Do tell the dentist about your fears, and anxiety, they are trained in helping you overcome the fear, I had to have nine teeth out due to infection, i was a nervous wreck when i first went, my first visit he just talked to me for half an hour on how to relax, and that i was in control, Ive had nine teeth out three fillings and two plates, At last i can smile, So tell the Dentist about your fears, and good luck. Have a good day, and stay positive

18-07-13, 13:15
Great post!

18-07-13, 13:29
Meche, If you have not rang the dentist yet DO IT NOW. You will be fine:):hugs:

18-07-13, 14:18
I think Magic just told me off :winks:!! I was meant to go down after work yesterday but didn't get out of the office till gone 5... honestly. I rang a little while ago and it was lunchtime. So have to call back after 2.... which is now. Am going to do it guys. The post about having 9 teeth out scared me sh**less! xx

20-07-13, 18:12
Hi Meche, just wanted to add that I made it to the dentist, only took 10 minutes and I was perfectly fine once I got there. All came back OK too! I hope you've made that appointment!